I agree. But kinda makes sense as its the more labour intensive one (usually). In the professionals version of bake off, the show stoppers definitely are way more labour intensive, which justifies it. For standard gbbo, Id say it depends on the complexity as sometimes it is way more complex than signature and technical, whereas others it isnt
The alternative is what they do in Germany which is weight the three exercises equally and each judge awards points out of 10 for each bake. That feels like swinging the pendulum too far in the opposite direction!
Would everyone agree that Dana had the worst of 3 challenges then Amos. His chocolate orange cake wasn’t all that in the Signature though placing 2nd in the technical yet he went out when Dana came to the showstopper knowing she was in trouble yet her cake was over baked.
Also any early predictions to who will win it this year
Dan, wedding cake boy or forager. Can see forager going far but the ‘bit’ becoming a bit tired and a stretch to try and make the ingredients diverse over time.