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Cambridge application

I am panicking slightly at my cambridge application and was wondering what you all think of it. I applied to Downing for Engineering and keep seeing stupidly high results from other people. My personal statement is pretty much perfect, I did 15 drafts of it and have squeezed everything possible out of it.

My GCSEs were 2x9 6x8 2x7
My UCAS grades are A*A*A*AA in Maths, Further Maths, DT, Physics and EPQ respectively
Ive done 442 past ENGAA and NSAA questions in close to timed conditions and am looking at something like 8.5 in S1A, 9.0 in S1B and 8.0 in S2.
I’ve got lots of interview practice with school and have been drilled to perfecting technique it for when the real thing comes around.

Do I have a genuine shot?
Nah you don't.

All jokes aside, I don't know why your even asking this question. You're getting top scores in the ENGAA and already have interview practice. My school hasn't even started doing any interview practice yet. You have a higher chance getting in than most people applying already if you continue on with what your doing.
I was just worried that my GCSEs were a bit shakey. And the ENGAA can be hit or miss so I was wondering whether the other parts of my application would hold it up if i ended up falling below avg
Original post by Anonymous
I was just worried that my GCSEs were a bit shakey. And the ENGAA can be hit or miss so I was wondering whether the other parts of my application would hold it up if i ended up falling below avg

they dont care about gcses too much. I know someone who got into Oxford with aab. personal statement is the most important part in their decision
Original post by Anonymous
they dont care about gcses too much. I know someone who got into Oxford with aab. personal statement is the most important part in their decision

Thanks. I’ve done way too much work on my personal statement so it’s in the best shape possible. Its just really hard to know how these things will play out.
There’s only a few bits to your application

School reference
Expected grades
Personal statement
Test results

The first 2 are presumably ok and you’re happy with the third so why worry. Seriously, just apply and see where it leads - you’ll likely get an interview and an offer and, if you don’t, then perhaps it wasn’t right for you

But certainly no need to be anxious or panicking about things you can’t currently affect
Original post by Anonymous
I was just worried that my GCSEs were a bit shakey. And the ENGAA can be hit or miss so I was wondering whether the other parts of my application would hold it up if i ended up falling below avg

I feel nervous too and yeah the ENGAA can be a hit or a miss. The stress might be greater when you actually sit the exam. But, we can't do much about it. Everyone feels nervous so we just need to do what we can. With Cambridge, I've read they've put much more focus in the admissions and interview so you shouldn't worry about what you got in GCSEs.
What do you mean by 'stupidly high scores'?
Original post by DonutKing
What do you mean by 'stupidly high scores'?

Straight 9s at gcse
Original post by Anonymous
I am panicking slightly at my cambridge application and was wondering what you all think of it. I applied to Downing for Engineering and keep seeing stupidly high results from other people. My personal statement is pretty much perfect, I did 15 drafts of it and have squeezed everything possible out of it.

My GCSEs were 2x9 6x8 2x7
My UCAS grades are A*A*A*AA in Maths, Further Maths, DT, Physics and EPQ respectively
Ive done 442 past ENGAA and NSAA questions in close to timed conditions and am looking at something like 8.5 in S1A, 9.0 in S1B and 8.0 in S2.
I’ve got lots of interview practice with school and have been drilled to perfecting technique it for when the real thing comes around.

Do I have a genuine shot?

No x
Original post by Anonymous
I am panicking slightly at my cambridge application and was wondering what you all think of it. I applied to Downing for Engineering and keep seeing stupidly high results from other people. My personal statement is pretty much perfect, I did 15 drafts of it and have squeezed everything possible out of it.

My GCSEs were 2x9 6x8 2x7
My UCAS grades are A*A*A*AA in Maths, Further Maths, DT, Physics and EPQ respectively
Ive done 442 past ENGAA and NSAA questions in close to timed conditions and am looking at something like 8.5 in S1A, 9.0 in S1B and 8.0 in S2.
I’ve got lots of interview practice with school and have been drilled to perfecting technique it for when the real thing comes around.

Do I have a genuine shot?

where did you find 442 ENGAA questions to practise? I've only found about 4 past papers....
And what is NSAA?
Original post by Anonymous
where did you find 442 ENGAA questions to practise? I've only found about 4 past papers....
And what is NSAA?

Search up ENGAA question bank and you can find all questions for each section grouped by topic. The NSAA is the admissions exam to study Sciences at Cambridge and is pretty much the same as the ENGAA for section 1
hiya, i noticed that u have applied to downing !! i have to, (for hsps tho) and was just wondering if u'd recieved a confirmation email from the college itself ? i sent off the My Cambrigde application about a week ago, but haven't heard anything *directly* from downing... (i have some mates applying elsewhere that got emails from their applied colleges)... just worried bc the deadlines for submitted work is early nov and don't wanna miss it !! thanks, and best of luck :smile:
Original post by zebrabooks
hiya, i noticed that u have applied to downing !! i have to, (for hsps tho) and was just wondering if u'd recieved a confirmation email from the college itself ? i sent off the My Cambrigde application about a week ago, but haven't heard anything *directly* from downing... (i have some mates applying elsewhere that got emails from their applied colleges)... just worried bc the deadlines for submitted work is early nov and don't wanna miss it !! thanks, and best of luck :smile:

I still haven't seen anything from them, my friend is applying to Downing too and was worried about the same thing. I guess we've just got to wait and see.
ahh awesome - glad we're in the same boat !! good luck to you !!
I only received my email yesterday but I submitted my application almost 2 weeks ago so I just think they receive the applications a bit later than other colleges

Original post by zebrabooks
hiya, i noticed that u have applied to downing !! i have to, (for hsps tho) and was just wondering if u'd recieved a confirmation email from the college itself ? i sent off the My Cambrigde application about a week ago, but haven't heard anything *directly* from downing... (i have some mates applying elsewhere that got emails from their applied colleges)... just worried bc the deadlines for submitted work is early nov and don't wanna miss it !! thanks, and best of luck :smile:

Original post by Anonymous
I still haven't seen anything from them, my friend is applying to Downing too and was worried about the same thing. I guess we've just got to wait and see.

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