Not medical advice - This is a mild burn, and if it is superficial redness with no blistering keep the area clean and dry (and if the skin is intact and it needs soothing just use a mild antiseptic cream like Savlon)
If the skin is leaking fluid, or oozing slightly, don't apply creams or antiseptics. Gently cover the area with a sterile 'sensitive skin' dressings but try not to put any adhesive plaster directly onto the damaged burnt skin (or it will rip the skin off when you remove it) Clothing will irritate and stick to the fluid emitted by burnt skin. You may need to put a sterile dressing over the area to avoid a thousand clothing fibres all getting stuck to it and the action of this bacteria laden hair fest creating an infection.
It is also difficult to put a plaster over your eyebrows (if that is where the burn is) If you can brazen it out just put up with any visible redness without covering it and it will go in a few days. Any signs of nasty 'soggy' redness, extreme pain or swelling seek medical advice it may have become infected. Don't pick any scabs!