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I love my gf but im losing attraction to her

I’ve been in a relationship with my girlfriend for over 1 year and I really do love her. She means a lot to me and I’m always excited to see her and miss her when I’m not with her.

However, I’ve noticed I’ve started to lose attraction to her, and not by just a little, but quite a lot. When I look at her I think how cute she is and how much I love her and how happy I am when she’s happy but I really don’t see any physical attraction anymore.

For a few reasons:

1) she’s gaining quite a lot of weight and I feel the trajectory she’s on she could end up being really overweight in the future. I’ve mentioned she should go gym to get in shape and start eating healthy but she said no she’s happy the way she is

2) she’s no longer waxing her underarms and it’s grown quite hairy. I’m sure if I ask her to wax it she would but I feel uncomfortable to have to say this and want her to do it for herself.

3) And also she’s grown a pretty noticeable moustache, it’s not actually bad the issue is, she has really pale skin and really dark hair so it stands out a lot. Like there’s not a lot of hair and I’m sure most girls have worse hair there but given her skin and hair colour it’s reallyyy noticeable.

All these 3 things combined have made me lose attraction to her and I’m not sure what to do.
well if this is a a genuine post, the responses will fall in two camps:

so il give advice from both camps

first camp: leave her, she deserves a real man and not a boy.

second camp: You love her, but you ain't in love with her. You know what you want so end the relationship. Whilst it may seem shallow that looks are a big part of the attraction, it is simply true that looks do go a long way (especially when you are alot younger). She may be comfortable with how she is and that is perfectly fine, and you are also entitled to feel and request that she be how as when you met her.
Original post by Anonymous #1
I’ve been in a relationship with my girlfriend for over 1 year and I really do love her. She means a lot to me and I’m always excited to see her and miss her when I’m not with her.

However, I’ve noticed I’ve started to lose attraction to her, and not by just a little, but quite a lot. When I look at her I think how cute she is and how much I love her and how happy I am when she’s happy but I really don’t see any physical attraction anymore.

For a few reasons:

1) she’s gaining quite a lot of weight and I feel the trajectory she’s on she could end up being really overweight in the future. I’ve mentioned she should go gym to get in shape and start eating healthy but she said no she’s happy the way she is

2) she’s no longer waxing her underarms and it’s grown quite hairy. I’m sure if I ask her to wax it she would but I feel uncomfortable to have to say this and want her to do it for herself.

3) And also she’s grown a pretty noticeable moustache, it’s not actually bad the issue is, she has really pale skin and really dark hair so it stands out a lot. Like there’s not a lot of hair and I’m sure most girls have worse hair there but given her skin and hair colour it’s reallyyy noticeable.

All these 3 things combined have made me lose attraction to her and I’m not sure what to do.

Honestly just leave her, she deserves better
Original post by Anonymous #1
I’ve been in a relationship with my girlfriend for over 1 year and I really do love her. She means a lot to me and I’m always excited to see her and miss her when I’m not with her.

However, I’ve noticed I’ve started to lose attraction to her, and not by just a little, but quite a lot. When I look at her I think how cute she is and how much I love her and how happy I am when she’s happy but I really don’t see any physical attraction anymore.

For a few reasons:

1) she’s gaining quite a lot of weight and I feel the trajectory she’s on she could end up being really overweight in the future. I’ve mentioned she should go gym to get in shape and start eating healthy but she said no she’s happy the way she is

2) she’s no longer waxing her underarms and it’s grown quite hairy. I’m sure if I ask her to wax it she would but I feel uncomfortable to have to say this and want her to do it for herself.

3) And also she’s grown a pretty noticeable moustache, it’s not actually bad the issue is, she has really pale skin and really dark hair so it stands out a lot. Like there’s not a lot of hair and I’m sure most girls have worse hair there but given her skin and hair colour it’s reallyyy noticeable.

All these 3 things combined have made me lose attraction to her and I’m not sure what to do.

No offence but how the…do you even love her. Okay so she’s gaining what but if you love her you wouldn’t care I can tell your all about physical appearance and not personality already why don’t you encourage and support her to not develop that gain then when you both are together eat things that are nutritious and healthy to the both of you, and whether she goes to the gym or not that’s her choice you shouldn’t force her. In regards to her personal hygiene she herself knows when and how to look after herself again why do you care… also mate your a man yourself I’m sure you have a moustache, beard some form of facial hair don’t that trigger you or make you insecure or your girlfriend yet she’s never started that to you..she could be staring at it non stop yet deep down she probably doesn’t give a about it… you don’t love her she don’t deserve you just leave clearly your more about appearance than personality and heart. I’m surprised she’s still in a relationship with you
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Mohammed_80
No offence but how the…do you even love her. Okay so she’s gaining what but if you love her you wouldn’t care I can tell your all about physical appearance and not personality already why don’t you encourage and support her to not develop that gain then when you both are together eat things that are nutritious and healthy to the both of you, and whether she goes to the gym or not that’s her choice you shouldn’t force her. In regards to her personal hygiene she herself knows when and how to look after herself again why do you care… also mate your a man yourself I’m sure you have a moustache, beard some form of facial hair don’t that trigger you or make you insecure or your girlfriend yet she’s never started that to you..she could be staring at it non stop yet deep down she probably doesn’t give a about it… you don’t love her she don’t deserve you just leave clearly your more about appearance than personality and heart. I’m surprised she’s still in a relationship with you

well-said 👍🏿
Original post by Anonymous #2
well-said 👍🏿

Apologise for the spelling but I’m sure you know what I meant

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