The Student Room Group

Can I teach English with a Psychology degree?

I'm currently a second year Psychology student so I'm beginning to think about post grad teaching opportunities. I was wondering if i can teach English at secondary with just a Psychology degree. I have an A-level in English language, and have done a few language related modules during my degree including a year of linguistics. Can anyone point me in the direction of where to look for information about getting into teaching as I'm struggling to find exactly what I'm looking for! Thank you :smile:
Original post by abbie.rudman
I'm currently a second year Psychology student so I'm beginning to think about post grad teaching opportunities. I was wondering if i can teach English at secondary with just a Psychology degree. I have an A-level in English language, and have done a few language related modules during my degree including a year of linguistics. Can anyone point me in the direction of where to look for information about getting into teaching as I'm struggling to find exactly what I'm looking for! Thank you :smile:

Dear @abbie.rudman

I'm really pleased to hear that you are looking towards your graduation and what to do following, as many miss the opportunity to work with an Explore Teaching Adviser, who work with 1st and 2nd year undergrads to consider what a teaching career may look like. We'd be able to help you to find providers that would consider your application, and perhaps offer a Subject Knowledge Enhancement course if they find areas that need developing within your subject knowledge. We would also help you to craft your personal statement and then eventually apply for courses if that's what you'd like to do.

Please register for an adviser using the link above and we'll answer all the questions you have and also make you aware of other questions you might not think of! :smile:

All the best, Jane

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