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What game should I buy

Robocop or call of duty?
Reply 1
I agree with the majority: Call of Duty. Two votes for CoD and no for Robocop now. That makes your decision easier, if you have not made your choice so far.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 4
Original post by Thislife100121
Robocop or call of duty?

Did you get CoD?
CoD. Film tie in games are ****.
Original post by ROTL94 4
CoD. Film tie in games are ****.

The term 'film tie in game' usually means a game released about the same time as the corresponding movie. Whilst the game can be great in its own right, the pressure on the game studio to release it by a certain day/month and potential restrictions on the game studio to not deviate from the source material, can mean, especially for the first reason, that the game can end up feeling like a 'rush job', sometimes just like a reskin of an earlier game the game studio made too.
ET on Atari (I played it at the time and it made me hate Atari in general) is a famous case of a rushed tie in. But The Untouchables and Batman were pretty well received on computer.

The 16 bit age saw a plethora of move tie in games, such as the pretty well regarded The Terminator and Alien3. The latter game was, as was often typical at the time, developed by a different studio for the Megadrive as for the SNES. The Alien3 games definitely deviated from their source material, being more like Aliens, as the platform game genre wasn't ready for an Alien Isolation kind of game.
Some notable Disney tie-in games got released on these consoles, most famously Aladdin, which was praised on Megadrive for having actual Disney animators work on the game. Some of these games were made in as little as 3-6 months. However, in general the non-tie in Disney games were generally more interesting, which may have had more like 6 months to a year to be made. Castle of Illusion, Quackshot, World of Illusion, The Lucky Dime Caper. Capcom made some Disney games for SNES too but Sega was generally king at these.

James Bond is another key tiein. Rare were allowed to release Goldeneye 2 years after the movie released, just to get the game right. Everything or Nothing wasn't tied to a particular Bond movie but it had great variety and presentation.

The movie Robocop was released 37 years ago in 1987, its reboot was several years ago too, so the new game hardly falls in to the same category of potential rush job. The new Robocop game is more a genuine labour of love and has garnered some great reviews for its devotion to atmosphere and feel. It's not just a reskin of modern types of shooter.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 has got a Metacritic critic rating of 56 and user score of 20. Yes, just 20. Robocop has 72 and 86 respectively.

Or perhaps the OP was thinking of Modern Warfare 2. Well, that's 75 and 50 respectively and although that critic rating is slightly higher than Robocop's, I'd be more concerned with why the user rating is still very mediocre for COD.

Or Call of Duty Vanguard. 73 and 36 respectively.

Call of Duty games are big yet get released every year. By the nature of that, they're going to be rush jobs no matter how many people are working on them.
(edited 1 year ago)
Robocop for sure
The campaign is usually decent, but the multiplayer is where it shines.

On the other hand, if you’re a fan of Robocop or just want something more focused on a single-player experience, the Robocop game might be worth checking out. It’s got a unique vibe, and it’s fun if you’re into more narrative-driven or nostalgic gameplay.

If you’re exploring other multiplayer games like CS:GO, it’s also worth reading up on things like account options, which you can find more about here.
(edited 2 weeks ago)

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