My brother is going to be 30 this year. He never had a job since graduation and he plays games at home 24/7 and watching shows.
He gets angry playing games and we can hear him shouting slurs, getting angry and banging his game controller on the table from downstairs. Idk how his game console is still in pieces.
I think this started when dad passed away years ago and he's the strict parent. My mum... Well she's not strict, don't think she cares anymore and most likely given up on him. Same as the rest of us.
Also I don't want to say anything bad about mum but she is a pretty useless parent and didn't felt like a parent since dad passed. A lot of things changed since his passing but I won't talk about it for the sake of not crying, feeling emotional and get angry.
She doesn't have a job and will never have one because she's also useless and thinks she can't get a.job but a cleaning one would be good for her. She just thinks her English isn't good but it's decent for even a cleaning job. Like foreigners get jobs here not knowing the english language and my mum has been in the UK for God knows how long. She doesn't bother to learn anything. (Sorry this looks like I'm ranting but typing this I'm getting annoyed at her aswell. I will stop now )
I don't know where he gets money to buy stuff as I see him get posts. He graduated with a Computer Science degree so be could be making stuff but all I see is him playing games 24/7.
He stays in his room all day and only comes.down to go buy food to stuff in the oven like chips or buy takeway. He also takes money out from the money box where we'd take some.momey to buy groceries but now we have jobs, we use our own money. Yes we live at home due to the pandemic and have work close by. Considering he hasn't been getting all the nutrients for the past maybe just less than a decade still survive or not have much health problems. He also doesn't have Christmas dinner with us. I ask him and he would just shake his head no.
Also his room stinks so much. I don't think he's opened his window for years most likely because he doesn't like spiders and bugs. He is scared of them.
He also stinks so bad that I don't breathe around him. He showers but idk how often. I think that smell is stuck to him.
He can't keep this up forver and he needs to get out of the house and get a job for real.
I think the obvious course of action is to stop the source of money i.e the money box to stop him from buying food with money he didn't earn. But he will most likely just starve himself rather than get a job. There was a few times when it the atmosphere was pretty bad with him and he would get angry and all just like a gamer.
Any advice ? I just have a feeling he will be like this forever, have no social life, eat unhealthy crap, and just take advantage of this situation since my mum doesn't have any income or tries to get any. Nothing will really motivate him like seriously nothing will budge him
He will just get angry and that would be it
We all don't talk to him either so he's just shut in his room away from family and away from the world. We've all given up but if I'm asking for advice that means I haven't???
But tbh, I I just don't care about him anymore. You might think I'm cold to think this but nothing will.change him and thinking about this situation makes me angry at how he will be like this forever, taking advantage of a parent with no income, and makes no effort in earning money. If my dad was here I'm sure he wouldn't have been like this.
I'm sorry I'm writing this at 3am and it's one of the thing that keeps me awake at night. There might be some typos or grammar mistakes but this was done on my phone. I'm sure I've missed some.stuff or wrote stuff I didn't mean but a lot has really happened and I can't really type it all out.
But any advice would be great.