Hello. I'm in year 11, and the time has come to pick A levels, however I'm unsure on a few things.
I'd like to do politics, economics and RS/Philosophy, and have in mind doing PPE, international relations or political science at uni. However, I'm unsure whether or not I should do maths A level (if it is an entry requirement for universities) or not, and if I do, whether or not I should do 4 A levels or ditch one and do 3. Maths isn't something I'm jumping up at the chance of doing, but it's also not something I hate (at GCSE, anyway). I'm predicted to get 9's in most subjects (including maths), and one 7 and 8, so it isn't like I'm bad at maths, in fact its always been something I haven't had to work too hard at to understand. Whilst I wouldn't necessarily mind doing maths A level, I'm not too keen on the idea of replacing one of the other 3 to fit it in, meaning I'd be doing 4 A levels. I'm unsure if this is manageable or not.
I guess, my main question is, is how valuable is it to have a maths A level? How manageable is it to do 4 A levels? If I should do maths, and only do 3, which of the other 3 should I not do?