From doing some research, I know many people recommend doing maths at A level (and is required by some universities), so I think that's a strong option, however then I'm concerned about having not studied one of the subjects within PPE before uni. So then I think about doing all 4 A levels, but then I wonder if that'd be too much, so go back to choosing the 3. But then again, I'm relatively good at maths (predicted a 9), so maybe it wouldn't be a huge extra?
So if I do 3, with maths as one, I'm unsure as to the other 2 options. I'm looking at doing 2 from politics, economics and philosophy/RS, however I'm unsure which to go with. I have no really strong sway towards any of the 3 over the others, so I guess it comes down to which is most useful in studying PPE.
I'm kind of stuck in an infinite loop of thoughts:
Okay, I'll do 4 A levels. Maths, econ, politics and RS.
But wait, maybe that's too much work and I should only do 3.
But what 3 do I do?
I know, I'll do maths and 2 others! But what two?
Or should I not do maths, then I'll have studied all 3 parts of PPE before uni
Or should I just do all 4?