The Student Room Group

Economics at Edinburgh

I’ve applied to do economics with 3A* predicted in Maths, Chemistry and Physics. I have offers from Belfast and Newcastle but got rejected from Durham and Manchester despite the requirements for Manchester being just 3A. On UCAS it said other applicants had stronger personal statements. I still haven’t heard back from Edinburgh, is there any chance I get an offer?
Reply 1
You should go to Belfast x
Reply 2
Newcastle are ranked 100th and Edinburgh will probably reject you
Reply 3
Original post by manutdqueen
Newcastle are ranked 100th and Edinburgh will probably reject you

100th for what? Being furthest from Lands End? Newcastle are 25th overall on CUG for this subject, 23rd for entry requirements for this subject, and 37th for research quality for this subject.
(edited 10 months ago)

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