The Student Room Group

LSE BSc Management vs Bristol Economics and Management?

Have offers for both.
Just want to know if there are any advantages to doing Economics but at a 'less prestige' uni compared to the LSE course and advantages to Bristol over LSE.

Reply 1
LSE is 67% overseas students, and most of those are Chinese.
This may have an impact on your 'student experience'.
London is expensive and can be lonely.

Bristol currently has a shortage of 2nd/3rd year rental housing.
Original post by d_felton
Have offers for both.
Just want to know if there are any advantages to doing Economics but at a 'less prestige' uni compared to the LSE course and advantages to Bristol over LSE.
management at LSE is mostly econ anyway and theres been lots of discussion about changing the degree title to econ and management. I would defo say LSE if youre thinking about employability. ignore what the other person said about it being lonely as this really isnt the case, and most of the international students are super friendly!
Reply 3
Hi. Just wanted to ask when did u get an offer and what r ur grades and subjects. Cause I’ve applied for both as well and still wait for LSE
bristol econ and management is very rigid and not as flexible as LSE management when it comes to picking your modules

you also barely do any econ in the first year at bristol

you should have a look at the modules on offer from both unis to see which ones you like more
I would always say the LSE but especially for something Economics and Management related. The networking opportunities would be far better for starters.
No debate at all. Degree doesn't matter nearly as much as the university. LSE all the way.
Reply 7
Original post by d_felton
Have offers for both.
Just want to know if there are any advantages to doing Economics but at a 'less prestige' uni compared to the LSE course and advantages to Bristol over LSE.

Congrats! Please may I know ur stats and extracurricular please as i would like to apply next year, insight would be really valuable
Reply 8
Hey, I'm in the same situation and ended up firming LSE and putting Bristol as insurance (partly bc Bristol was ABB for me tho), but even if they were both AAA I'd firm LSE bc the uni matters more than the degree imo

Especially for Management vs Economics and management, where the former has a lot of Econ in the course anyway

(Also I live in London and plan to commute so that's a factor)
(edited 10 months ago)

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