The Student Room Group

What game would you reccommend?

I need a game to play and does anyone have a fave game they played that they would reccommend. Ive enjoyed games like batman arkham knight, spiderman 1 and 2, dragon ball tenkaichi
If you like to play Batman Arkham Knight, try Arkham City. My favorite game of this series.
If you're open to moving outside of the action-adventure realm a bit, I'd suggest giving League of Legends a shot. It has a rich and constantly evolving gaming environment. It's got epic battles, a wide array of fascinating characters to play, and a complex world that encourages strategic thinking.LoL can be a bit overwhelming for beginners because of its depth and complexity. That's why I recommend to first check out The blog has a lot of information to help you navigate the game. It has useful insights, strategies, and tips to help bolster your performance.
(edited 1 year ago)
The Finals - it's free to play too.
Reply 4
There's a game that I've had my eyes on called Hollow Knight,it's an idie metroidvania
I like chess online, this game involves analyzing different possibilities and choosing the best course of action. This process can be applied to real-life situations, helping people become more adept at finding solutions to challenges. I'm glad that I found*chess calculator which helps you to play on different websites. With its help I can ahieve higher rank faster. It makes the game even more entertaining.
(edited 1 year ago)
Ir you've got a PlayStation, the Infamous series would be right up your street. Quick city traversal with superpowers.

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