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Why do English students take so many GSCEs?

I took 7 Nat 5's (the Scottish equivalent), and my timetable in fourth year was completely full. How'd you find time to cram in so many subjects?
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Original post by NameUserer
I took 7 Nat 5's (the Scottish equivalent), and my timetable in fourth year was completely full. How'd you find time to cram in so many subjects?

I don't think it is that different. Science and English usually takes up two GCSEs each. But I think the thinking is that at GCSE students take a broad curriculum of subjects. The English Baccalaureate which around half to two thirds of students achieve includes maths, English, Science, a humanity and a language. Add into that two options and perhaps RE for giggles and you have a good breadth.
as someone who did 13 gcses, it's actually a lot easier than people think. I was doing 4 alevels, which about half of the students in my schl do, but dropped one cos i found it too much. Other people were completley fine, with similar difficulty subjects, but they're still amazed at my 13 gcses. Doing 4 alevels is much more impressive imo

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