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Getting into Scottish medical school

So I didn't decide that I wanted to do medicine until it was already too late to choose biology so for my highers I have chemistry, maths, English, psychology and art. I plan on taking AH chem, art, and English next year as well as H biology. Is it possible to get into a Scottish medical school with these subject combinations or would trying different s6 subjects be better?
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 1
u should be fine with those subjects. Though u should probably consider taking another science such as Higher physics/ AH maths as medicine is science based.
Original post by alle.summers
So I didn't decide that I wanted to do medicine until it was already too late to choose biology so for my highers I have chemistry, maths, English, psychology and art. I plan on taking AH chem, art, and English next year as well as H biology. Is it possible to get into a Scottish medical school with these subject combinations or would trying different s6 subjects be better?

Unfortunately Psychology isn't a higher(at least in my school) it's a national 6 which is sort of equivalent to a higher but isn't considered as a higher to universities and for Scottish medical schools you need 5 higher in one sitting, I would definitely talk to your careers councillor however from what you've said on this post you are not applicable for medicine as for most(if not all) medical course (Medicine MBChB) as there is a requirement for your higher subjects to contain chemistry, biology and physics or maths. Your national 5 maths and english results have to be at least a grade B. However there is other ways to get into medicine by pursuing another science course like neuroscience in university and then applying to medicine however do keep in mind that the Medicine MBChB already lasts at least 5-6 years without specialising in anything so after you'd have to study to become specialised in a certain area which would then take another 3 years(depending on the specialty) however don't let this discourage you if medicine is truly what your passionate about. Remember to look into the UCAT if you somehow manage to still be applicable. Hope this helps good luck for your exams and whatever's to come!
Original post by TDCTV
u should be fine with those subjects. Though u should probably consider taking another science such as Higher physics/ AH maths as medicine is science based.

Please check your information before giving false hope as it can be very damaging once that person finds out that they aren't applicable.
Reply 4
Original post by Julia Callizo B
Please check your information before giving false hope as it can be very damaging once that person finds out that they aren't applicable.

Yeah, I know. I've applied to medicine and have friends that have been in this situation. In order to get into most Scottish medical schools, apart from St Andrews you need bio and chem and another science e.g. maths at higher at A, and at least 2 advanced higher subjects with one being a science.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 5
Original post by Julia Callizo B
Unfortunately Psychology isn't a higher(at least in my school) it's a national 6 which is sort of equivalent to a higher but isn't considered as a higher to universities and for Scottish medical schools you need 5 higher in one sitting, I would definitely talk to your careers councillor however from what you've said on this post you are not applicable for medicine as for most(if not all) medical course (Medicine MBChB) as there is a requirement for your higher subjects to contain chemistry, biology and physics or maths. Your national 5 maths and english results have to be at least a grade B. However there is other ways to get into medicine by pursuing another science course like neuroscience in university and then applying to medicine however do keep in mind that the Medicine MBChB already lasts at least 5-6 years without specialising in anything so after you'd have to study to become specialised in a certain area which would then take another 3 years(depending on the specialty) however don't let this discourage you if medicine is truly what your passionate about. Remember to look into the UCAT if you somehow manage to still be applicable. Hope this helps good luck for your exams and whatever's to come!

Psychology is a higher with an exam (im currently sitting it).
So they'd have 5 highers.
Original post by TDCTV
Psychology is a higher with an exam (im currently sitting it).
So they'd have 5 highers.

Yes however they still haven't taken the necessary sciences required as you said they need bio and chem and another science e.g maths however they haven't taken all those subjects. We're all human and make mistakes so I'm not blaming you for accidentally misinforming someone I'd just rather this person doesn't get their hopes up, however I wish you luck on your upcoming prelims and exams :smile: !

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