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Official: University of St Andrews A100 2023 Entry

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Post originally created by ecolier.
(edited 2 years ago)

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Reply 1
Hello. I’m an international student looking forward to applying to St. Andrews medical school. However it states that overseas students for fee reasons will only be allowed to transfer to Manchester medical school. However I was really looking forward to the barts medical school as I would like to study in the city of London. Has their been cases where international students have transferred to the barts from the guaranteed routes. If not is their any other way I could transfer out independently with a non partner uni like sgul or kcl from St. Andrews. I also didn’t understand what they meant by “for fee purposes”. Does this mean if I’m willing to pay the full fee I could go the barts medical school because tuition fees should not be a problem at all for me in deciding where to go.

Thank you,
Original post by Yoyomad8
Hello. I’m an international student looking forward to applying to St. Andrews medical school. However it states that overseas students for fee reasons will only be allowed to transfer to Manchester medical school. However I was really looking forward to the barts medical school as I would like to study in the city of London. Has their been cases where international students have transferred to the barts from the guaranteed routes. If not is their any other way I could transfer out independently with a non partner uni like sgul or kcl from St. Andrews. I also didn’t understand what they meant by “for fee purposes”. Does this mean if I’m willing to pay the full fee I could go the barts medical school because tuition fees should not be a problem at all for me in deciding where to go.

Thank you,

I enquired about this (as a UK student, not international) and they said it is possible to transfer to a different medical school, but there is no support from the uni and very few people choose to do that. Bear in mind, if no other uni will take you, you would be stuck at Manchester for 3 years, so you need to decide if that’ll a risk you want to take. The majority of your year will go to Manchester, and there is established support, E.g. meeting Manchester students and visiting the uni beforehand, etc, so it would be much easier to just go to Manchester, or to just apply to London medical schools instead? I’m not sure about the fee status stuff, but it might just be that Manchester has the most available international places, so I’m not sure you can pay your way out of this. Maybe email admissions if you’re still unsure.
Reply 3
The problem is that my school offers the IB diploma or the standard diploma. During predicted grades, it’s really easy to get the grades you want. However when it’s time for exams many don’t meet their offer and are at a risk of unis pulling out their offers. I’m gonna have to call the unis and check as my deadline to pick wether I go through ib or not is coming up. I don’t really mind living in Manchester it’s just that as a Arab guy, 95 percent of students decide to go to London. So I’m I’ll try to call up sgul and barts to see if it would still be possible to transfer bearing in mind tuition is not a problem for me as the reason they stated only Manchester medicine was due to the tuition fees.

Thx for the help mate.
Reply 4
Also when transferring unis, does this mean I will earn my mbbs from St. Andrews or from the university I transferred to?
Original post by Yoyomad8
The problem is that my school offers the IB diploma or the standard diploma. During predicted grades, it’s really easy to get the grades you want. However when it’s time for exams many don’t meet their offer and are at a risk of unis pulling out their offers. I’m gonna have to call the unis and check as my deadline to pick wether I go through ib or not is coming up. I don’t really mind living in Manchester it’s just that as a Arab guy, 95 percent of students decide to go to London. So I’m I’ll try to call up sgul and barts to see if it would still be possible to transfer bearing in mind tuition is not a problem for me as the reason they stated only Manchester medicine was due to the tuition fees.

Thx for the help mate.

I believe I’ve answered you an another thread regarding the IB, it’s not the case that unis will ‘pull their offers’, but if you don’t meet the offer conditions (unrelated to predicted grades), you will not have met the conditions of the contract that allows you a place. If you do meet the conditions, the uni then has to give you a place on the course and legally can’t ‘pull the offer’. Bear in mind Manchester is very diverse too, and you will have a community in any major city (St Andrews maybe not so much).
Original post by Yoyomad8
Also when transferring unis, does this mean I will earn my mbbs from St. Andrews or from the university I transferred to?

You get a BSc (hons) from St Andrews, and MBBS from the uni you spend your clinical years at. Not that it matters where you graduate from!
Reply 7
Alright thank you very much. My sister actually completed her Mbbs from Manchester directly and I really liked the city. But most of my friends are moving to London and I don’t want to be alone. I’ll try my best tho. And again thank you very much for the info and your help, I appreciate it. :-)
Original post by Yoyomad8
Alright thank you very much. My sister actually completed her Mbbs from Manchester directly and I really liked the city. But most of my friends are moving to London and I don’t want to be alone. I’ll try my best tho. And again thank you very much for the info and your help, I appreciate it. :-)

A lot of people are split up from their friends at uni! In fact I would say most people, for medicine especially, won’t know many people at all, if any, at their university. You’ll make new friends and you can still keep in touch with old ones even without being at the same uni! Best of luck in future
Reply 9
You too mate :-)
Reply 10
what is the ucat cut off score likely to be this yr and how does it work for widening participation students?
what is the ucat cut off score likely to be this yr and how does it work for widening participation students?

last year, WP students got a 10% uplift to UCAT score for shortlisting purposes. I would check that that's the case again this year and then look through last year's thread to see what sort of scores were needed for WP students for interview. Bear in mind that 2400 being quoted as the lowest UCAT score for interview on their website is misleading, since that may have been a Scottish, contextual applicant (and therefore with an uplifted score of 2640!).
I'm a Scottish student with 2600 and I get a 10% increase which is 2830 I think, wouldn't that be enough. Also is St Andrews interview hard or is it straight forward?
what is the ucat cut off score likely to be this yr and how does it work for widening participation students?

Hi I am a WP RUK offer holder for the Scottish route. I had 2660 B2. I think there were a few people with a lower score but not much!
Original post by Hussein2004
I'm a Scottish student with 2600 and I get a 10% increase which is 2830 I think, wouldn't that be enough. Also is St Andrews interview hard or is it straight forward?

An impossible question to answer because everyone has a different opinion. I can't actually remember what it was like. I'd recommend to just prepare for the interviews and not think about a specific unis interview
Original post by _Rusty_
An impossible question to answer because everyone has a different opinion. I can't actually remember what it was like. I'd recommend to just prepare for the interviews and not think about a specific unis interview

I'm just worried about the work experience stations as i only have some virtual experiences and I'm going to start a ward volunteering in the coming weeks.
Original post by Hussein2004
I'm just worried about the work experience stations as i only have some virtual experiences and I'm going to start a ward volunteering in the coming weeks.

With all volunteering at interview you should use the STARR technique. The most important part of that is the final R - REFLECTION. Its all about what you’ve learnt instead of what you’ve done. Idk if the interview thread is up yet but if/once it is the STARR technique will roll off your tongue:smile:
Original post by Hussein2004
I'm a Scottish student with 2600 and I get a 10% increase which is 2830 I think, wouldn't that be enough. Also is St Andrews interview hard or is it straight forward?

It sounds pretty competitive for a Scot, based on last year, but who knows what will change this year, and it also depends on which route. Maybe look through last year’s thread to see what other applicants got interviews for your fee status, route, contextual status and UCAT.
Original post by bea_murray0
It sounds pretty competitive for a Scot, based on last year, but who knows what will change this year, and it also depends on which route. Maybe look through last year’s thread to see what other applicants got interviews for your fee status, route, contextual status and UCAT.

AFAIK in term of competitiveness it goes scot<RUK<international:smile:
Original post by _Rusty_
AFAIK in term of competitiveness it goes scot<RUK<international:smile:

Yep that’ll what I thought!

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