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Dentistry Interview, A levels. I'm stuck

Honestly don't know where to start. For context:
UCAT: 2600 B2
A level predicteds: 3A* (Bio,Chem,Maths)

Got rejected at Cardiff, poor uni application resulted in me picking kcl and sheffield as well, i'll probably get rejected by those soon. But Liverpool have fortunately given me an interview invite.

I have a little over 4 weeks to my interview and don't know what to do, im lost in how i should prep for my interview to pass, and because of the competitive nature of the interview i'm having to not do any schoolwork to compensate, my mocks are abt 2 weeks after my interview. so
1.How do i prep for my interview ?
2. Will i be able to achieve or surpass AAA at a level having not done much revision for another 4 weeks (i will still be in class and do hw, but i wont dedicate much more time into it than that)?

Thank you so much for your help, as you can tell i'm a little stressed by how disorganised and incoherent my writing is.
I appreciate you reading this!
Original post by AntonSlayer
Honestly don't know where to start. For context:
UCAT: 2600 B2
A level predicteds: 3A* (Bio,Chem,Maths)

Got rejected at Cardiff, poor uni application resulted in me picking kcl and sheffield as well, i'll probably get rejected by those soon. But Liverpool have fortunately given me an interview invite.

I have a little over 4 weeks to my interview and don't know what to do, im lost in how i should prep for my interview to pass, and because of the competitive nature of the interview i'm having to not do any schoolwork to compensate, my mocks are abt 2 weeks after my interview. so
1.How do i prep for my interview ?
2. Will i be able to achieve or surpass AAA at a level having not done much revision for another 4 weeks (i will still be in class and do hw, but i wont dedicate much more time into it than that)?

Thank you so much for your help, as you can tell i'm a little stressed by how disorganised and incoherent my writing is.
I appreciate you reading this!

pls help
Original post by AntonSlayer
Honestly don't know where to start. For context:
UCAT: 2600 B2
A level predicteds: 3A* (Bio,Chem,Maths)

Got rejected at Cardiff, poor uni application resulted in me picking kcl and sheffield as well, i'll probably get rejected by those soon. But Liverpool have fortunately given me an interview invite.

I have a little over 4 weeks to my interview and don't know what to do, im lost in how i should prep for my interview to pass, and because of the competitive nature of the interview i'm having to not do any schoolwork to compensate, my mocks are abt 2 weeks after my interview. so
1.How do i prep for my interview ?
2. Will i be able to achieve or surpass AAA at a level having not done much revision for another 4 weeks (i will still be in class and do hw, but i wont dedicate much more time into it than that)?

Thank you so much for your help, as you can tell i'm a little stressed by how disorganised and incoherent my writing is.
I appreciate you reading this!

im also currenlty prepping for interviews i dont know a great load but ive used medic mind noted and questions as they very helpful would also suggest you read over GMC guidlines as if they ask you a question im pretty sure the guidline state what a docter should do situations. also just watch a bunch of youtube videos of model answers and how to structure your answer. you should deffo research your uni and their course structure and what appeals to you about that univeristy specfically. prepare for basic questions like why med, why not nursing or any other health proffessions. theres also a bunch of pre made flashcards for interveiw prep and answers on quizlet. hope this helps!
Original post by Saima.Hussain.
im also currenlty prepping for interviews i dont know a great load but ive used medic mind noted and questions as they very helpful would also suggest you read over GMC guidlines as if they ask you a question im pretty sure the guidline state what a docter should do situations. also just watch a bunch of youtube videos of model answers and how to structure your answer. you should deffo research your uni and their course structure and what appeals to you about that univeristy specfically. prepare for basic questions like why med, why not nursing or any other health proffessions. theres also a bunch of pre made flashcards for interveiw prep and answers on quizlet. hope this helps!

Reply 5
Original post by AntonSlayer
Honestly don't know where to start. For context:
UCAT: 2600 B2
A level predicteds: 3A* (Bio,Chem,Maths)
Got rejected at Cardiff, poor uni application resulted in me picking kcl and sheffield as well, i'll probably get rejected by those soon. But Liverpool have fortunately given me an interview invite.
I have a little over 4 weeks to my interview and don't know what to do, im lost in how i should prep for my interview to pass, and because of the competitive nature of the interview i'm having to not do any schoolwork to compensate, my mocks are abt 2 weeks after my interview. so
1.How do i prep for my interview ?
2. Will i be able to achieve or surpass AAA at a level having not done much revision for another 4 weeks (i will still be in class and do hw, but i wont dedicate much more time into it than that)?
Thank you so much for your help, as you can tell i'm a little stressed by how disorganised and incoherent my writing is.
I appreciate you reading this!

Did you end up applying? Did you get in
Reply 6
Original post by Angelibie1
Did you end up applying? Did you get in

Didn’t pass the interview, got grades tho and am no applying for this cycle, I’ve got to do better at interviews this time 😂
Reply 7
Original post by AntonSlayer
Didn’t pass the interview, got grades tho and am no applying for this cycle, I’ve got to do better at interviews this time 😂

For kcl??
Reply 8
Original post by Angelibie1
For kcl??

Nah, no A*

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