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Cardiff Dentistry 2024 Entry

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Is it worth applying to dentistry in Cardiff with a 6 in GCSE English language?

All my other stats are good
(the other 6 in french lol) and 999 in all 3 sciences.
I'm a non Welsh applicant.
So would it not be worth wasting an application cuz we only get 4 choices ..

I got 2779 B2 and 999999887 in my GCSES and I’m applying as a non-welsh applicant. Is it worth applying?
Hi guys, does cardiff look at the SJT for interview selection?
Original post by nasdsadjasd
Hi guys, does cardiff look at the SJT for interview selection?

Yes they weigh it quite heavily (didn't specify how...)
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 6
Hi i received a 2690 B3 ucat result, A*AA do you think i would have a good chance receiving an interview (GCSEs 999988887)

Original post by toothysmile
Yes they weigh it quite heavily (didn't specify how...)
Reply 7
Original post by dam22
Hi i received a 2690 B3 ucat result, A*AA do you think i would have a good chance receiving an interview (GCSEs 999988887)

You should be fine yeah
(edited 1 year ago)
Will I be fine as graduate applying with 2520 ucat band 2 sjt?
Reply 9
Hi, I have 8 - 9s and 3 - 8s in GCSE
Predicted A level - A* A* A
UCAT - 2640
Is this good enough to apply to Cardiff?
Thank you
Hi! I was just wondering whether it would be worth applying to Cardiff as a non-Welsh student?
Original post by ManUtd_21
Hi! I was just wondering whether it would be worth applying to Cardiff as a non-Welsh student?

Heyy guys, I am a 1st yr dental student at Cardiff, and yes I got in as a English applicant, you chances are not totally annihilated if you come from outside of Wales. In fact, majority of my cohort aren't Welsh. Other factors come into play for interview selection xx
Original post by MsBobatea123
Heyy guys, I am a 1st yr dental student at Cardiff, and yes I got in as an English applicant, you chances are not totally annihilated if you come from outside of Wales. In fact, majority of my cohort aren't Welsh. Other factors come into play for interview selection xx

Can you elaborate on the selection process for English not contextual please?
Original post by MsBobatea123
Heyy guys, I am a 1st yr dental student at Cardiff, and yes I got in as a English applicant, you chances are not totally annihilated if you come from outside of Wales. In fact, majority of my cohort aren't Welsh. Other factors come into play for interview selection xx

Ahh I see. I've been told by my school to avoid Cardiff as I'm a non-Welsh applicant
Original post by ManUtd_21
Ahh I see. I've been told by my school to avoid Cardiff as I'm a non-Welsh applicant

Who did your school advise you to apply to? My school has given no help at all.
Original post by Jetjo123
Can you elaborate on the selection process for English not contextual please?

So when I applied in 2022 (as a non-contextual) , they would check you meet the minimum A-Level predictions and GCSE requirements, then your highest 7 GCSEs are converted into points, alongside your UCAT score, SJT score (make sure your B1 or B2) and personal statement. Cardiff take a very holistic approach so there wasn't a UCAT cut-off. But make sure you have good grades for GCSEs like 9s and 8s, cuz it is known Cardiff prefer high GCSE grades. However, double check on their website for 2024 entry and if this has remained the same.
Original post by Jetjo123
Who did your school advise you to apply to? My school has given no help at all.

Make school didn't really advise me as well. I just did my own research through university webpages, data of what the typical past applicant looks like (like the ones that get in), briefly past threads on TSR, and definitely lots of prayer xx
Original post by Jetjo123
Who did your school advise you to apply to? My school has given no help at all.

To give you guys a rough guideline, I applied in the 2022/23 cycle, with: GCSEs of 99999999888, A-Level Predictions of A*A*A, UCAT score of 2490 Band 1(49th percentile) , and I did the BMAT as well. I applied to Liverpool, Birmingham, Cardiff and Leeds. I got interviews at Leeds and Cardiff, I got an offer later onwards at Cardiff.
Original post by MsBobatea123
To give you guys a rough guideline, I applied in the 2022/23 cycle, with: GCSEs of 99999999888, A-Level Predictions of A*A*A, UCAT score of 2490 Band 1(49th percentile) , and I did the BMAT as well. I applied to Liverpool, Birmingham, Cardiff and Leeds. I got interviews at Leeds and Cardiff, I got an offer later onwards at Cardiff.

Thank you. So helpful!! Much appreciated!
I have 2790 B2
not contextual
It does say in admissions doc about the Welsh applicants.
Also - how many of the 70 places are already reserved for applicants not hitting last years grades who had firmed Cardiff. Do you know?
Original post by Jetjo123
Thank you. So helpful!! Much appreciated!
I have 2790 B2
not contextual
It does say in admissions doc about the Welsh applicants.
Also - how many of the 70 places are already reserved for applicants not hitting last years grades who had firmed Cardiff. Do you know?

Np xx, Would you want to consider Uni of Sheffield as I believe they have a somewhat holistic approach tend to favour higher UCATs like yours, lso have a look into Manchester as I believe they may be good for you as well (however I am not too sure on their admissions process), also deffo have a look at Liverpool if you have a lot of work experience as well and know how to reflect, I would say Liverpool would be a decent option.

Ah okay maybe Welsh applicants do have some sort of advantage, but do not feel that because you are from England you will deffo not get in, as there are a lot of english applicants at Cardiff Uni xx.

For the last question, I am not sure maybe it would be best to ask the University in a freedom of information request, if that is information they can publicly share.

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