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Work experience for Bristol uni?

Does anyone know anything except work experiences that can help me get in to bristol uni. I have applied to some work experiences in general engineering and will apply to other aerospace ones, I also do air cadets, Lamda, muay Thai, might star volunteering and was just wondering what super curriculars I can do to get into the uni or at least increase my chances
Where did you get the impression that you need work experience for an academic degree at Bristol?
Reply 2
Where did you get the impression that you need work experience for an academic degree at Bristol?

I thought it would be helpful as the course seems to be competitive considering it’s the second best uni for the field and don’t super-curricular activities help? Such as work experience in the field to say you have showed interest.
Original post by roxey123
I thought it would be helpful as the course seems to be competitive considering it’s the second best uni for the field and don’t super-curricular activities help? Such as work experience in the field to say you have showed interest.

Super-curriculars yes - but those should be academic for an academic degree not work experience.

Have you looked at the admissions statement for your chosen course on the Bristol website?
Reply 4
Super-curriculars yes - but those should be academic for an academic degree not work experience.

Have you looked at the admissions statement for your chosen course on the Bristol website?

I have skimmed over it but there isn’t much on super curriculars-by work experience I mean just showing interest by shadowing people in the aerospace companies. Apart from that I have competed in maths tournaments and thing like that. Are there any engineering competitions or events I can participate in?
Original post by roxey123
I have skimmed over it but there isn’t much on super curriculars-by work experience I mean just showing interest by shadowing people in the aerospace companies. Apart from that I have competed in maths tournaments and thing like that. Are there any engineering competitions or events I can participate in?

That's because super curriculars aren't used in making admissions decisions for Aero Eng at Bristol - it's based entirely on your GCSE and A level subjects and grades.

If you'd like to improve your application generally then looking into the topics and modules covered at each of your choices and then seeing if there are and MOOCs on futurelearn or similar sites covering those topics that interest you would be far more relevant than competitions and events. Find out more about what you'll be actually studying....and study it in your own time.
Reply 6
Oh thanks. I have one more question, I want to attend insight to Bristol so I can get a contextual offer. I have met every requirement but the fact I attended a private school for yr1-yr 6.
This programme is for students who identify asAsian, Black, or Mixed heritage (featuring one or more of these groups) or another minoritized ethnic groups and studying in Year 12 in England or Wales, Year 13 in Northern Ireland, or S5 in Scotland (or equivalent). Students must also attend, and have always attended, a state-funded school or college (non-fee paying) in the UK.

I know it says always attended but does that mean for secondary always or year twelve always or including primary school? Because year seven onwards I went to all non fee paying schools.
Original post by roxey123
Oh thanks. I have one more question, I want to attend insight to Bristol so I can get a contextual offer. I have met every requirement but the fact I attended a private school for yr1-yr 6.
This programme is for students who identify asAsian, Black, or Mixed heritage (featuring one or more of these groups) or another minoritized ethnic groups and studying in Year 12 in England or Wales, Year 13 in Northern Ireland, or S5 in Scotland (or equivalent). Students must also attend, and have always attended, a state-funded school or college (non-fee paying) in the UK.

I know it says always attended but does that mean for secondary always or year twelve always or including primary school? Because year seven onwards I went to all non fee paying schools.

Probably best to contact them directly to ask. I suspect it may rule you out but who knows.

"Minoritized" is an interesting phrasing choice there...
Reply 8
Original post by artful_lounger
Probably best to contact them directly to ask. I suspect it may rule you out but who knows.

"Minoritized" is an interesting phrasing choice there...

Wasn’t me who wrote it but yes I agree it is😭
Original post by roxey123
Wasn’t me who wrote it but yes I agree it is😭

I know, I was just commenting on it - I get conceptually why they chose that phrasing but it's rather clunky to say the least :tongue:
(edited 1 year ago)

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