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chemistry alevel edexcel notes

is there any chance someone can share what notes they use to achieve because im aware there's notebooks but I would want notes that reflect on the mark scheme/specfication
Original post by delectable-oldie
is there any chance someone can share what notes they use to achieve because im aware there's notebooks but I would want notes that reflect on the mark scheme/specfication

Hey I got an A* in Edexcel Chemistry last year and only used notes from chemrevise. Added some markscheme answers along the way from doing papers but it’s mostly sufficient (most of their notes reflect that of exam mark schemes)
Original post by Tulipbloom
Hey I got an A* in Edexcel Chemistry last year and only used notes from chemrevise. Added some markscheme answers along the way from doing papers but it’s mostly sufficient (most of their notes reflect that of exam mark schemes)

omg that’s really good thank you did you do biology as well?
Original post by delectable-oldie
omg that’s really good thank you did you do biology as well?

yeah I did but CIE
Original post by Tulipbloom
yeah I did but CIE

is there any tips you would give for EDEXCEL chemistry because im worried of doing bad
Original post by delectable-oldie
is there any chance someone can share what notes they use to achieve because im aware there's notebooks but I would want notes that reflect on the mark scheme/specfication

i used allery chemistry and chemrevise and went from D to an A in AS edexcel chem in two weeks!!
On PMT, they have detailed notes for each of the chapters. I find those useful as a starting point and it mostly follows the spec.
The spec for edexcel is very detailed, so I would look at the spec and your/websites notes and see what is missing.

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