Found a reliable textbook which matched my exam board (AQA) and used the contents page as my topic list. I listed the topics on notion and highlighted them red,amber and green. The topics which were red and amber were my top priority.
I practised the red and amber topics using textbook questions- I really recommend Kerboodle. Once I mastered the textbook questions, I got straight onto exam questions (can use PMT or MathsGenie).
I keep a log of the questions which I find really difficult and re-attempt them when I can. I recommend asking your teachers for help on the A* questions.
DO NOT slack on the green topics. You need to keep your knowledge fresh on the whole spec. Create a timetable of what topic you are going to do every day until June 4th.
Also a whiteboard is your best friend, definitely use it to practice quesitons . 3 and a half months is enough time to turn any grade to an A*.
Found a reliable textbook which matched my exam board (AQA) and used the contents page as my topic list. I listed the topics on notion and highlighted them red,amber and green. The topics which were red and amber were my top priority.
I practised the red and amber topics using textbook questions- I really recommend Kerboodle. Once I mastered the textbook questions, I got straight onto exam questions (can use PMT or MathsGenie).
I keep a log of the questions which I find really difficult and re-attempt them when I can. I recommend asking your teachers for help on the A* questions.
DO NOT slack on the green topics. You need to keep your knowledge fresh on the whole spec. Create a timetable of what topic you are going to do every day until June 4th.
Also a whiteboard is your best friend, definitely use it to practice quesitons . 3 and a half months is enough time to turn any grade to an A*.
Use Dr Frost for targeted revision
This website allows you to revise individual parts of the spec, and become proficient at the key skills.
Use MadasMaths for practice.
Madas has thousands of questions for you to do - literally. Pick it up and find the topics you're interested in from the first couple of sections. Have a crack at them. Also look at the MP1 (AS) and MP2 (A-Level) papers that he's hand crafted. Get used to the style of questions, and start timing yourself for a few papers.
Understand WHY you are getting things wrong - its okay for the mark scheme to point this type of thing out for you!
Work through parts of the textbook
This one is self explanatory but make sure to actually look through the textbook and do questions, theyre an amazing resource.
Finally, do past papers. Ideally in timed conditions!
Use Dr Frost for targeted revision
This website allows you to revise individual parts of the spec, and become proficient at the key skills.
Use MadasMaths for practice.
Madas has thousands of questions for you to do - literally. Pick it up and find the topics you're interested in from the first couple of sections. Have a crack at them. Also look at the MP1 (AS) and MP2 (A-Level) papers that he's hand crafted. Get used to the style of questions, and start timing yourself for a few papers.
Understand WHY you are getting things wrong - its okay for the mark scheme to point this type of thing out for you!
Work through parts of the textbook
This one is self explanatory but make sure to actually look through the textbook and do questions, theyre an amazing resource.
Finally, do past papers. Ideally in timed conditions!
Use Dr Frost for targeted revision
This website allows you to revise individual parts of the spec, and become proficient at the key skills.
Use MadasMaths for practice.
Madas has thousands of questions for you to do - literally. Pick it up and find the topics you're interested in from the first couple of sections. Have a crack at them. Also look at the MP1 (AS) and MP2 (A-Level) papers that he's hand crafted. Get used to the style of questions, and start timing yourself for a few papers.
Understand WHY you are getting things wrong - its okay for the mark scheme to point this type of thing out for you!
Work through parts of the textbook
This one is self explanatory but make sure to actually look through the textbook and do questions, theyre an amazing resource.
Finally, do past papers. Ideally in timed conditions!
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