The Student Room Group

Edexcel A-Level English Literature, Drama, Hamlet 2023

Hi does anyone who did Edexcel A-Level English Literature know what came up in the 2023 drama paper for Hamlet as I'm currently making essay plans for my mocks
literally doing the exact same thing right now, can't find it anywhere. Also looking for the Rossetti poem used along with the Frankenstein and Streetcar themes
Original post by dthe7392s
Hi does anyone who did Edexcel A-Level English Literature know what came up in the 2023 drama paper for Hamlet as I'm currently making essay plans for my mocks

found it, it was a choice between how grief was presented and how Laertes is presented
Reply 3
Original post by Nash2404
found it, it was a choice between how grief was presented and how Laertes is presented

thank you xx
Reply 4
Original post by Nash2404
literally doing the exact same thing right now, can't find it anywhere. Also looking for the Rossetti poem used along with the Frankenstein and Streetcar themes

Same, I'm doing Frankenstein and Never let me go, Keats and streetcar x

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