The Student Room Group

Crown prosecutor / career after CPS pupillage / legal trainee scheme

Hi all
Does anyone know about career progression after CPS trainee scheme (barrister route)? I know you can progress to CP and then senior CP but does anyone have any intel on how quickly this happens in practice?

thank you!
Original post by belaw18
Hi all
Does anyone know about career progression after CPS trainee scheme (barrister route)? I know you can progress to CP and then senior CP but does anyone have any intel on how quickly this happens in practice?

thank you!

I’ve known someone to go to SCP after being through graded to CP post pupillage, in less than 6 months.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by belaw18
Hi all
Does anyone know about career progression after CPS trainee scheme (barrister route)? I know you can progress to CP and then senior CP but does anyone have any intel on how quickly this happens in practice?
thank you!
Hi @belaw18

Great to hear you're interested in learning more about our progression opportunities here at the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). All of our legal trainees are guaranteed a role as a crown prosecutor upon successful completion of the scheme. There is no set time frame for how long it takes to progress from crown prosecutor to senior crown prosecutor - as @Pupillagewarrior has highlighted, it can happen quite quickly, whereas some prefer to take things at a slower pace whilst they build their experience. If you're committed to your own personal development, it's definitely possible to progress at faster rate than average.

Beyond the senior crown prosecutor role, there are further opportunities to advance including as a legal manager (district crown prosecutor). You can hear from some of our legal managers here, talking about their career path after qualifying as crown prosecutors.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any more questions 🙂
Jade - CPS recruitment team
Reply 3
Hi everyone - does anyone know what the typical working hours are for legal trainees? And how do the daily work of a legal trainee pupil and legal trainee solicitor differ at all?

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