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computer science vs art gcse

computer science is good for the future as everything is technological, but i don’t really enjoy computer science and find it a bit boring. i like art but i only like doing what i want to, so if the teacher tells me to do different types of art (which they probably will), i will only want to do the style i like and i hate doing other styles. also in the future i wont be an artist.
comp sci gets interesting in GCSE, however, it does depend on the exam board how academically challenging it could be, aqa and edexcel require you to learn a specific coding language, while ocr doesn't. my friend does art and the workload is intense from what i've seen, however they do require you to try many different art styles (which you don't like) but it does seem quite interesting so consider whichever would help you at alevel.
Original post by angelisee.e
comp sci gets interesting in GCSE, however, it does depend on the exam board how academically challenging it could be, aqa and edexcel require you to learn a specific coding language, while ocr doesn't. my friend does art and the workload is intense from what i've seen, however they do require you to try many different art styles (which you don't like) but it does seem quite interesting so consider whichever would help you at alevel.

i’m doing edexcel if that changes anything?
Original post by gallant-molester
i’m doing edexcel if that changes anything?

you have to learn a bit more than the other exam boards but it's not too hard i guess, just look at the specification for both art and cs and try and see which one you can see yourself doing for two years

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