The Student Room Group

Which are best a levels to pick to keep my options open

hi everyone, I hope you are doing well.
Can anyone please tell me which A levels to pick to keep my options open. I am highly passionate to do maths so this is what I will definitely do.
Please don't say to do biology and chemistry with it.
Give my two combinations with maths and let me know everything about the two combinations with maths you have suggested me.
Things like :
- which degree I can do with ur suggested combinations? and How many degrees will I be able to choose from?
- which jobs I can do with ur suggested options? and How many Jobs will I be able to choose from?
- and some info that u might know about it that u want me to know
I hope someone would help me as soon as possible as I am very worried about what to choose. I would really appreciate it if anyone would help and advise me.

Reply 1
Original post by Harman Kaur
hi everyone, I hope you are doing well.
Can anyone please tell me which A levels to pick to keep my options open. I am highly passionate to do maths so this is what I will definitely do.
Please don't say to do biology and chemistry with it.
Give my two combinations with maths and let me know everything about the two combinations with maths you have suggested me.
Things like :
- which degree I can do with ur suggested combinations? and How many degrees will I be able to choose from?
- which jobs I can do with ur suggested options? and How many Jobs will I be able to choose from?
- and some info that u might know about it that u want me to know
I hope someone would help me as soon as possible as I am very worried about what to choose. I would really appreciate it if anyone would help and advise me.


Hi there, I chose my A-Levels around what I was interested in, and i would usually advise others do the same, reason being is because it leaves you open to find smth you're interested within, say for example with me, I chose Geography, Criminology and Psychology, and only pursued one of those, so I ask you, knowing you're at Secondary now, what are you interested in?
If you really want to keep most options open Chem and probably Biology would do that. As your note interested in them you can basically rule out most life science courses.

It depends what you are interested in for the future. Just having Maths will open some forms of engineering, computer science, economics, accountancy and business course. Physics will help with some engineering courses. A humanities course like English or history would help towards tings like Law or Politics as would something like Politics Further Maths would help towards Maths university courses.

It is impossible to keep all options open but you need to follow courses that you will enjoy. You appear to have already ruled out 2 life science A levels. Imagine if you were compelled to take them how fed up you would be. That should tell you how important it is to subjects you will enjoy.
Original post by Harman Kaur
hi everyone, I hope you are doing well.
Can anyone please tell me which A levels to pick to keep my options open. I am highly passionate to do maths so this is what I will definitely do.
Please don't say to do biology and chemistry with it.
Give my two combinations with maths and let me know everything about the two combinations with maths you have suggested me.
Things like :
- which degree I can do with ur suggested combinations? and How many degrees will I be able to choose from?
- which jobs I can do with ur suggested options? and How many Jobs will I be able to choose from?
- and some info that u might know about it that u want me to know
I hope someone would help me as soon as possible as I am very worried about what to choose. I would really appreciate it if anyone would help and advise me.


I study Biology, Maths and English Lit and love the variety I get with studying an essay-based subject alongside the sciences. I also know people who study Maths, Economics and Geography, which again gives them lots of options with having essay-based subjects as well as Maths. I would recommend you have a look at the informed choices website
( ) as you can input A Level combinations and get degree ideas, or you can input degrees and get a level combinations. Ultimately though, pick what you enjoy or find interesting as there is nothing worse than forcing yourself through 2 years of a subject to come out with a meh grade just because it allows you to progress to a certain career. Let me know if I can help further!
What GCSE grades are you targeting?
Original post by ajj2000
What GCSE grades are you targeting?

What I am working on VS what I am Targeting
English literature: grade 6 VS grade 7 or maybe 8
English language: grade 4 VS grade 5 or maybe 6
Maths: grade 6/7 VS grade 7 or maybe 8
science: 54 (foundation) VS grade 5/6 or maybe 7 (Recently I have been put in higher)
Computer science: grade 2/3 VS grade 5 or maybe 6 (Last time I received grade 5)
Geography: grade 6 VS grade 6/7

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