The Student Room Group

Is this fair?

My school recently put forward weekly quizzes for each subject, which is reasonable, however, they added that if you get less than 80% per test, you will receive a 30 minute detention per subject.
This applies for sixth form too. Whilst the detentions aren’t stackable (you can’t have multiple on the same day), they do carry over.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by gr4ssbl4d33
My school recently put forward weekly quizzes for each subject, which is reasonable, however, they added that if you get less than 80% per test, you will receive a 30 minute detention per subject.
This applies for sixth form too. Whilst the detentions aren’t stackable (you can’t have multiple on the same day), they do carry over.

Not fair.
Reply 2
Original post by gr4ssbl4d33
My school recently put forward weekly quizzes for each subject, which is reasonable, however, they added that if you get less than 80% per test, you will receive a 30 minute detention per subject.
This applies for sixth form too. Whilst the detentions aren’t stackable (you can’t have multiple on the same day), they do carry over.

i would be complaining like 20 times a day. not fair at all
Reply 3
I thought getting a detention for wearing a coat for 0.5 secs while entering the building was bad - but this takes the cake. 30 for each subject?????
It depends: personally we need more information on what these quizzes are like.

Are they multiple choice or proper questions? Are you notified on the areas/topic they will test or is it general?

80% is discriminatory. Not everyone is working at such a level in the first place, and to introduce it off the bat punishes those who may be lagging behind regardless of their circumstances.

What would make sense is:

Prepare for these quizzes, if you fail them have you shown evidence of at least revising for them to not get a detention.

This above seems fairer.
Reply 5
Original post by SK-18
It depends: personally we need more information on what these quizzes are like.

Are they multiple choice or proper questions? Are you notified on the areas/topic they will test or is it general?

80% is discriminatory. Not everyone is working at such a level in the first place, and to introduce it off the bat punishes those who may be lagging behind regardless of their circumstances.

What would make sense is:

Prepare for these quizzes, if you fail them have you shown evidence of at least revising for them to not get a detention.

This above seems fairer.

Proper questions, for example for criminology we’ll have exam questions, to my knowledge it’s the same for ks4 and y9, lower then that I’m not sure.
I’m not too sure about what areas, but for my year (12) it’s multiple topics at the moment.

It would genuinely be preferable if we could show evidence to not have a detention - however this has been brought up and just brushed off unfortunately :frown:
(edited 12 months ago)
Original post by gr4ssbl4d33
My school recently put forward weekly quizzes for each subject, which is reasonable, however, they added that if you get less than 80% per test, you will receive a 30 minute detention per subject.
This applies for sixth form too. Whilst the detentions aren’t stackable (you can’t have multiple on the same day), they do carry over.

Sounds unfair. I get how it could be a good system to do some recall for the sixth formers (maybe 50% is more realistic, even less for some subjects like science which is notoriously difficult to get high % in, and then every two months bump it up 10% (so you get closer to your exams with a better goal and more revision?) It is especially ridiculous for GCSE students, they have around 10 subjects average, how do you revise for 10 quizzes per week?
Original post by gr4ssbl4d33
My school recently put forward weekly quizzes for each subject, which is reasonable, however, they added that if you get less than 80% per test, you will receive a 30 minute detention per subject.
This applies for sixth form too. Whilst the detentions aren’t stackable (you can’t have multiple on the same day), they do carry over.
Sounds like a joke but not surprised, some schools seem to find pleasure in detentions.
Reply 8
Original post by gr4ssbl4d33
My school recently put forward weekly quizzes for each subject, which is reasonable, however, they added that if you get less than 80% per test, you will receive a 30 minute detention per subject.
This applies for sixth form too. Whilst the detentions aren’t stackable (you can’t have multiple on the same day), they do carry over.
Update on the situation -
The tests are now daily, and a lot of parents have called in to complain yet the school seems to of done nothing.
They’ve done a lot of **** like this this year already - including having barriers on the toilets to block of access - they are taken off at break and lunch.
(edited 11 months ago)
Original post by gr4ssbl4d33
Update on the situation -
The tests are now daily, and a lot of parents have called in to complain yet the school seems to of done nothing.
They’ve done a lot of **** like this this year already - including having barriers on the toilets to block of access - they are taken off at break and lunch.
If you have tests daily for every subject how are you supposed to learn new content? That’s absurd

Something my biology teachers do is every lesson for the first five minutes they put 5 recall questions on the board - small ones but then they randomly pick 5 students to give answers and then we move on. It works effectively cause clearly it reminds us of old content, encourages those who want to to revise, but even if you get it wrong there is no punishment, you just get told the right answer.

I’m assuming they can’t give you answers to each test daily either. Also how on earth do they make a new test every day?!
Reply 10
It’s usually 1-2 a day based on how many subjects you’re doing. I’m in Y12, doing 3 subjects so these are more distributed through the week, but I know some Y11’s that are really struggling with this due to the detention policy.

I genuinely can’t see this lasting until like Next term with the amount of complaints they’re getting. We used to only have like starter questions which really worked in a lot of subjects and a lot of people found really beneficial, I believe some years still have them but I don’t really talk to the other years bar like Y11/Y13 so I can’t be sure of that
Original post by gr4ssbl4d33
It’s usually 1-2 a day based on how many subjects you’re doing. I’m in Y12, doing 3 subjects so these are more distributed through the week, but I know some Y11’s that are really struggling with this due to the detention policy.
I genuinely can’t see this lasting until like Next term with the amount of complaints they’re getting. We used to only have like starter questions which really worked in a lot of subjects and a lot of people found really beneficial, I believe some years still have them but I don’t really talk to the other years bar like Y11/Y13 so I can’t be sure of that
Yeah the policy is especially stupid considering year 11s will need to start revising for their exams. An extra detention is going to take time away and not going to encourage them to do better

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