The Student Room Group

Kallisto's Sunday Question: £ 1,000,000

This poll is closed

What would you do with £ 1,000,000

Found a company to get (possibly) rich! 45%
Donate to non-profit organisations to help55%
Total votes: 11
The Sunday is here with it a new poll!

This time it is about a great sum of money, namely £ 1,000,000! there is one condition: you would get it, if you intend to found a company and to invest in equipments (no matter what it is) OR to donate it non-profit organizations OR sports associations to finance them. You can't keep this money for your own purpose, if it is not related to business! not even a single pence.

My added questions to it:

Which company would you found with that money, if you can?
Which organisations or sports associations would you donate it and why?
Do you have an idea for another charities to spend it?
(edited 11 months ago)
Reply 2
Which company would you found with that money, if you can?

Which organisations or sports associations would you donate it and why?
Mind, Save the Children, UNICEF, Women’s Aid

Do you have an idea for another charities to spend it?
i would definitely give it to a non-profit org, probably aspca, the humane society, or ida (in defense of animals). i love animals, and rescue organizations always need donations
Reply 4
Which company would you found with that money, if you can?
petcare company to provide bespoke packages, secure holiday accomodation, entertainment, retraining and vet support for xl bulldogs & their owners.

Which organisations or sports associations would you donate it and why?
If I was donating £1 million to charity, I'd make donations to:
Blue Cross, Centre for Action on Rape & Abuse and Help for Heroes, Karma Nirvana, Savera UK, Sophie Hayes Foundation, Surviving Universal UK and True Honour.

Do you have an idea for another charities to spend it?
Victim Support .
Reply 5
Local food banks for those who are desperately in need of help
Children hospice
McMillan nurses who does a fantastic job with people in there final days (those who have cancer)
I'd like to find my own non-profit company.
Original post by 5hyl33n
I'd like to find my own non-profit company.

And what would it be, if you can bring your own non-profit company into being?
Original post by Kallisto
And what would it be, if you can bring your own non-profit company into being?

Support for victims either affected by cancer or involved in the conflicts in Gaza-Israel and Russia-Ukraine.
Original post by 5hyl33n
Support for victims either affected by cancer or involved in the conflicts in Gaza-Israel and Russia-Ukraine.

Cancer is a good thing! there are so many people who got poor or had to suffer financial limitations because they did not take out an insurance for cancer. Cancer is a risk, not only for the health. Do you know people personally who are involved?
Reply 10
Local grassroots football, which is really suffering round my way.
Reply 11
No BS I'd use that money to make more money simple as. First point of business would be hiring a financial advisor.
(edited 10 months ago)

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