Everyone does four years. Unless people take a year out, everyone who you start with doing Classics will finish at the same time.
Since you would be taking the 3 year course at Cambridge, you might want to think about whether you would like to spend 4 years at university.
You get a bit more time to get to grips with learning Greek, and just in general more time as an undergrad.
English to Latin and Greek is compulsory at Mods at Oxford and I believe (though not 100% sure) it’s optional at Cambridge.
At Oxford there is greater emphasis on text-based papers in your final exams. Currently you have to do minimum of a 4 text-based papers out of the 8 you choose for finals. Since you do these over 2 years, it amounts to quite a lot of text that you have to read independently. There definitely is translation at Cambridge, obviously, but as far as I can tell from speaking to friends at Cambridge and checking the courses available, there is less of an emphasis on final year (in part because you have exams in 2nd year!)
Very large choice for finals at Oxford – the course is very customisable and you can end up doing wildly different things. There are a LOT of different options.
The Cambridge has a bit more scope for interdisciplinary work and reception studies (e.g. in Paper X) a little earlier on.
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