1. I can do it, because the system is ‘archaic’ and needs to be modernised like Cambridge University. It will convince them perhaps to change the course, especially since more applicants are deterred from applying to Oxford University for Law and instead choose Cambridge University for Law.
2. I would not want Roman Law to be removed from the choices of papers offered at Oxford University as it is also a choice at Cambridge University.
3. It is true a significant number of Judges were educated at Oxbridge.
4. I never said Oxford University degree course papers were not rigorous. But they should offer more optional paper choices like Cambridge University.
5. I agree that Oxford University has a much more challenging curriculum than other universities. So, your elder son’s friend would not be surprised to see second year degree content of Oxford University in a Red Brick university Master’s degree course.
6. I know Oxford has just as a good reputation as Cambridge University for Law. It is quite clear how 25% of training contracts go to Oxford University graduates as so many others do the conversion course often with first class or very high upper second-class degrees.
7. Cambridge had 62% of it accepted intake achieve A*A*A or more in the recent year.
8. So, Oxford really should have A*AA as its standard entry requirement for Law.
9. Wow, many congratulations to your son for graduating at the top of his medical school class. I wonder what business he started? Has he quit the NHS due to dissatisfaction?
10. Yes, Cambridge has higher entry requirements for their degree courses than Oxford University yet they still receive a lot of A*AA and A*A*A applicants.
11. I am not making a fool of myself, as I am merely trying to ‘convince’ Oxford University to have exams in all years, so there can be 6 optional papers during the Law degree course at Oxford University.
12. I want to apply to Oxford, but I won’t have 6 optional papers like Cambridge University. Also, I have studied 5 A-Levels and will achieve predominantly A* grades. So, I know the value of hard work.
13. I will be applying for Oxford 1+1 BCL Law postgraduate degree and MBA 1 year degree. I am likely to ‘living’ in the Cambridge libraries and going to the gym. So, I will get a first-class honours degree when I graduate.
14. I am merely suggesting to the Law admissions tutors to implement a change similar to Cambridge University, so then students can study 6 optional papers instead 2 optional papers
15. Thank you for detailed reply Oxford Mum. But I love Oxford as much as Cambridge but will enjoy the course more at Cambridge. Nevertheless, the Oxford postgraduate BCL and MBA courses offered as part of Oxford 1+1 programme is likely to attract an application from me in the future.
Almost all the other degree courses have 4 or more exams in Year 1 and 4 to 6 papers in Year 2 and 8 papers in Year 3.
I would apply Post-graduate for the Oxford 1+1 degrees in the BCL and MBA. But the undergraduate course is simply better at Cambridge University.
So why can't Law at Oxford offer the same?
Here is the Law offering modules at Oxford:
Year 1Criminal law
Constitutional law
A Roman introduction to private law
Year 1 (Term 3) and Years 2 and 3
Tort law (Year 1 Term 3)
Year 2
Contract law
Land law
Administrative law
Year 3
European Union law
Two optional subjects, chosen from a very wide range of options
There is simply not enough choice compared to other universities and especially compared to Cambridge University.
Because Cambridge University study 4 papers in Year 1 and then 5 in Year 2 and 5 in Year 3. Allowing optional choices of 6 papers!!!
Here is the Cambridge Law degree course choice of modules:
Year 1 (Part IA)
In the first year, you take four papers. In previous years, papers have included:
Civil Law I
Constitutional Law
Criminal Law
Law of Tort
Year 2 (Part IB)
In the second year, you choose five papers from a wide range of options, which may include:
Law of Contract
Land Law
Administrative Law
Civil Law II
Comparative Law
Criminal Procedure and Criminal Evidence
Sentencing and the Penal System
Family Law
Human Rights Law
International Law
Legal History
Year 3 (Part II)
In the third year, you choose five papers, which may include two half-papers as one of your five options.
Full paper options may include:
• Aspects of Obligations
• Commercial Law
• Company Law
• Conflict of Laws
• Intellectual Property Law
• Labour Law
• Equity
• European Union Law
Examples of half-papers that may be on offer include:
Historical Foundations of the British Constitution
Landlord and Tenant Law
Law of Succession
Personal Information Law
Topics in Legal and Political Philosophy
Topics in European Legal History
Animal Rights Law
It is worth telling the Oxford admissions tutors they should reform their course as they're losing students to Cambridge University and they offer 6 optional papers instead of 2 optional papers.
I already have almost finished drafting the e-mail.