The Student Room Group

Rhul foundation 2024

Has anyone received an offer from Royal Holloway for any course with an integrated foundation year yet? Checking my emails every day atp 😭😭 I applied for biomed
Reply 1
Ive seen a few people say they’ve had offers for law with foundation but not heard anything about other courses
Reply 2
Hi there, applied for Computer Science RHUL in January, still waiting. I didn't know if we had to but I've submitted my supplemental documents at a much later (literally 2 days ago). Still no message.
Reply 3
bro sameeee I applied for biomed with an integrated foundation year and still no reply… I’m starting to get worried :frown:
Reply 4
Hi there, applied for Computer Science RHUL in January, still waiting. I didn't know if we had to but I've submitted my supplemental documents at a much later (literally 2 days ago). Still no message.
Did you just do this on the portal thingy they give us? Did you get an email telling you to do that? Sorry for all the questions Im just a bit anxious because I haven’t done that 😭😭
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous #2
bro sameeee I applied for biomed with an integrated foundation year and still no reply… I’m starting to get worried :frown:
I feel your pain 🙏 the wait is actually getting agonising I’m checking emails every day and nothing 😭😭 please let me know if you hear anything and I will as well
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous #2
bro sameeee I applied for biomed with an integrated foundation year and still no reply… I’m starting to get worried :frown:
I just got an offer today !!! Check your emails!!!!
Reply 7
Original post by Anonymous #1
I just got an offer today !!! Check your emails!!!!
that’s amazing!! congratulations i’m so happy for you💓 I still haven’t gotten an email yet hahah😅 hopefully soon!
Reply 8
Original post by Anonymous #1
I just got an offer today !!! Check your emails!!!!
Just out of curiosity, did you do anything to speed up the process? like emailing them or something? I saw someone on this thread say they submitted documents, have you done that yet? 😆😆
Reply 9
Original post by Anonymous #2
Just out of curiosity, did you do anything to speed up the process? like emailing them or something? I saw someone on this thread say they submitted documents, have you done that yet? 😆😆
No I didn’t ! I did my a levels last year so I already have my grades, maybe that has something to do with it? I really wish you the best of luck if you haven’t heard back yet!!
Original post by Anonymous #1
No I didn’t ! I did my a levels last year so I already have my grades, maybe that has something to do with it? I really wish you the best of luck if you haven’t heard back yet!!
I just got my offer!
Reply 11
Original post by Anonymous #2
I just got my offer!
Omg that’s amazing!!! Congratulations!!! I think I’m going to firm Rhul, so if you do too I guess I’ll see you there!! If you want to swap instagrams or something just let me know, but I’m so happy for you!
Original post by Anonymous #1
Omg that’s amazing!!! Congratulations!!! I think I’m going to firm Rhul, so if you do too I guess I’ll see you there!! If you want to swap instagrams or something just let me know, but I’m so happy for you!
tysm! I think I will firm rhul too. I would love to swap instagram! :smile:
Reply 13
Original post by Anonymous #1
Has anyone received an offer from Royal Holloway for any course with an integrated foundation year yet? Checking my emails every day atp 😭😭 I applied for biomed

Hi there, I've also applied for biomed with a foundation year at RHUL and I received my offer like a month ago. I'm not sure why they're taking so long tho😭 have you received your offer yet?
Original post by Anonymous
Has anyone received an offer from Royal Holloway for any course with an integrated foundation year yet? Checking my emails every day atp 😭😭 I applied for biomed

My boyfriend yes for Physics

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