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Edexcel A-level English Literature Paper 3 (9ET0 3) - 14th June 2024 [Exam Chat]

Edexcel A-level English Literature Paper 3 (9ET0 3) - 14th June 2024
[Exam Chat]

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Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 14th Jun/ PM
Length: 2h 15m

Good luck!
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(edited 10 months ago)

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Hey, anyone got any tips for revising poetry?? I'm doing Keats and Poem of the Decade
Reply 2
poem predictions for POTD and Keats?
Reply 3
poem predictions for POTD and Keats?
Here's all the poems that haven't come up yet:

The Deliverer
Lammas Hireling
Out of the Bag
From the Journal of a disappointed man
Please Hold
On Her Blindness
Original post by fdog23
Here's all the poems that haven't come up yet:
The Deliverer
Lammas Hireling
Out of the Bag
From the Journal of a disappointed man
Please Hold
On Her Blindness

hi i went from a B to an A* last year so please private message me if you would like my notes, I know tough alevels can be xx good luck!
Reply 5
poem predictions for POTD and Keats?
For POTD I think that From the Journal of a disappointed man and Lammas Hireling are likely. I'm not sure about Keats maybe 'On the sea' as I don't think its come up.
Reply 6
Edexcel A-level English Literature Paper 3 (9ET0 3) - 14th June 2024
[Exam Chat]
Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam.
Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.
Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:
General Information
Date/Time: 14th Jun/ PM
Length: 2h 15m
Good luck!
Click here to find exam discussions for other A-level subjects

Anyone know what came up for Keats last year?
Reply 7
Original post by schoolgirl 69
hi i went from a B to an A* last year so please private message me if you would like my notes, I know tough alevels can be xx good luck!

omg hi, I was wondering if your notes could possibly be shared with me as well, as this sounds super helpful ? :smile:
Reply 8
Original post by fdog23
Here's all the poems that haven't come up yet:
The Deliverer
Lammas Hireling
Out of the Bag
From the Journal of a disappointed man
Please Hold
On Her Blindness

I'm praying that Lammas Hireling doesn't come up with another hard one like Out of the Bag. At that point I'd just give up. I'm thinking it could be finally time for The Deliverer.
Reply 9
Does anyone here do Victorian poetry? I feel like nobody does it
Does anyone do Rossetti?
Reply 11
Original post by StudentPO
I'm praying that Lammas Hireling doesn't come up with another hard one like Out of the Bag. At that point I'd just give up. I'm thinking it could be finally time for The Deliverer.

the Lammas Hireling is such a heavily underrated poem!
Reply 12
Original post by ClineRob
the Lammas Hireling is such a heavily underrated poem!

I agree, its grown on me
Original post by schoolgirl 69
hi i went from a B to an A* last year so please private message me if you would like my notes, I know tough alevels can be xx good luck!

would love your poetry notes!!
Reply 14
does anyone have tips for unseen potd I'm so dreadful at it. also does anyone do larkin's the less deceived on here? any tips and ideas for the question/poems?
Reply 15
Original post by schoolgirl 69
hi i went from a B to an A* last year so please private message me if you would like my notes, I know tough alevels can be xx good luck!

please can i have your notes x
Original post by keirawest
Does anyone here do Victorian poetry? I feel like nobody does it

Reply 17
for poetry of the decade, do you think it's worth revising poems that have already come up?
Original post by Inamah
for poetry of the decade, do you think it's worth revising poems that have already come up?

I wouldn't revise the ones that were on like last year or 2 for example but any after that I'll probably revise.
Reply 19
if anyone has any notes for The Lammas Hireling + Out Of The Bag I would really appreciate it - the most confusing poems for me

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