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Edexcel A-level Further Mathematics Paper 2 (9FM0 02) - 3rd June 2024 [Exam Chat]

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Edexcel A Level Further Mathematics Paper 2 (9FM0 02) - 3rd June 2024 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information
Date/Time: 3rd June 2024/ PM
Length: 1h 30m
(edited 10 months ago)

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Things that didn’t appear in cp1, so hence are likely to appear;
Linear transformations
Hyperbolic functions
Volumes of revolution
Methods in calculus (improper integrals, mean value over an interval, inverse trig, etc)
Method of differences
Meclaurin series
I'm hoping this paper is rock hard just to differentiate between candidates....I prepared this stuff far more than the other stuff so here's hoping 🤞🤞
Reply 3
Original post by untreated-missta
Things that didn’t appear in cp1, so hence are likely to appear;
Linear transformations
Hyperbolic functions
Volumes of revolution
Methods in calculus (improper integrals, mean value over an interval, inverse trig, etc)
Method of differences
Meclaurin series
ur a legend for this, ty! we're gonna ace p2 ❤️
how are you guys revising for cp2? assuming like me, most of you have done all the CP past papers
Reply 5
Original post by aperolsprit
how are you guys revising for cp2? assuming like me, most of you have done all the CP past papers

Physics and Maths Tutor has plenty of packs of questions on individual chapters. I've just been combing through them for the topics likely to come up on this paper.

Are you doing AEA as well? Damn, that's a lot of Maths.
Reply 8
Original post by vnayak
Are you doing AEA as well? Damn, that's a lot of Maths.

yep gotta get that lowered uni offer and a fun challenge too tbh
Original post by sorince
yep gotta get that lowered uni offer and a fun challenge too tbh

what's the offer with the AEA? Also, it looks quite fun! What are you doing at uni and where have you firmed and insured?
(edited 8 months ago)
Reply 10
Original post by vnayak
what's the offer with the AEA? Also, it looks quite fun! What are you doing at uni and where have you firmed and insured?

With out distinction in aea i need A*A*C (A*A* in maths and further) but with its A*AC(A*A in maths and further) thats my offer from UCL (firm) and insured Kings AAB offer.
To study Maths at both , What about you?
(edited 8 months ago)
Original post by sorince
With out distinction in aea i need A*A*C (A*A* in maths and further) but with its A*AC(A*A in maths and further) thats my offer from UCL (firm) and insured Kings AAB offer.
To study Maths at both , What about you?

CS at Imperial (firm - A*AAA with grade 2 in STEP II) and Edinburgh (insurance- A*A*A*)
Reply 12
Original post by vnayak
CS at Imperial (firm - A*AAA with grade 2 in STEP II) and Edinburgh (insurance- A*A*A*)

triple A* for insurance, you need a hard paper to separate the A from the A*
Reply 13

I have never been able to do this fully and in time, Good luck have fun and help
(edited 8 months ago)
Original post by sorince
Capture.PNGI have never been able to do this fully and in time, Good luck have fun and help

part a should be straightforward because you just use the standard formulae to reach a formula.

For the second part, what you do is you assume a general number n and then go to n+9.

This is what I get and how I did it. Took me about 10 mins.

Edit: Sorry about the poor camera quality but I think you can still make out what it says? If not, let me know and I'll tell you.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 23.10.48.jpg
(edited 8 months ago)
Original post by vnayak
part a should be straightforward because you just use the standard formulae to reach a formula.
For the second part, what you do is you assume a general number n and then go to n+9.
This is what I get and how I did it. Took me about 10 mins.
Edit: Sorry about the poor camera quality but I think you can still make out what it says? If not, let me know and I'll tell you.
Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 23.10.48.jpg

I remember doing this question in a test! I did all of that horrible algebra and got n=6, but then forgot to actually answer the question from there
Original post by Joshwilcox1
I remember doing this question in a test! I did all of that horrible algebra and got n=6, but then forgot to actually answer the question from there

Ahhh that's so you can see by my working out, I almost forgot to set the cubic equal to 99800 and was getting some weird answers before realising my mistake 😂😭
Reply 17
Original post by Joshwilcox1
I remember doing this question in a test! I did all of that horrible algebra and got n=6, but then forgot to actually answer the question from there

So basically when I do part a and I use my odd number as (2n-1) I can use the sum to n but when I tried to use (2n+1) as the odd number it didn’t work to use the sum to n.. why is that?
Reply 18
Original post by Beast111
So basically when I do part a and I use my odd number as (2n-1) I can use the sum to n but when I tried to use (2n+1) as the odd number it didn’t work to use the sum to n.. why is that?

because when you use 2n+1 you’re assuming that 3 is the first positive odd number(when you sub in n=1). However when you sub in n=1 into 2n-1, you get 1 as the first positive odd number. Therefore you must have 2n-1
Reply 19
Original post by Jeffxry1
because when you use 2n+1 you’re assuming that 3 is the first positive odd number(when you sub in n=1). However when you sub in n=1 into 2n-1, you get 1 as the first positive odd number. Therefore you must have 2n-1

Ahhh thank you so much!!!

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