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Edexcel A-Level French Paper 2 (9FR0 02) - 19th June 2024 [Exam Chat]

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How did your Edexcel A-Level French Paper 2 exam go?

Terribly 13%
Great 29%
Not so good 21%
Quite well38%
Total votes: 24
Edexcel A-Level French Paper 2 (9FR0 02) - 19th June 2024 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 19th June 2024, am
Length: 2hr 40mins

(edited 10 months ago)

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Reply 2
does anyone have predictions of what will come up for the Un sac de billes and Les choristes essays?
Reply 3
does anyone have predictions for la haine or un sac de billes ?
is it just me that feels it's a bit outrageous that the grade boundaries for edexcel went up by 33 marks last year for an A
Reply 5
Original post by desperate-peculi
is it just me that feels it's a bit outrageous that the grade boundaries for edexcel went up by 33 marks last year for an A

no its acc crazy its making me so scared abt this years
even tho the boundaries went up in 2023 for my other subjects, none by that much - literally a few marks at most
Reply 6
Original post by desperate-peculi
is it just me that feels it's a bit outrageous that the grade boundaries for edexcel went up by 33 marks last year for an A

i’ve complained about this to literally everyone who will listen to me cus i could easily get an A with 2022 grade boundaries and even 2019 but with the 2023 ones i’ll be lucky to get a B so i don’t even want to know what i’ll get this year😭😭
Reply 7
Original post by lolae
i’ve complained about this to literally everyone who will listen to me cus i could easily get an A with 2022 grade boundaries and even 2019 but with the 2023 ones i’ll be lucky to get a B so i don’t even want to know what i’ll get this year😭😭

omg right also ik 2021 wasnt a normal year for a levels but it was literally 51% for an A like imagine
Original post by user93_
no its acc crazy its making me so scared abt this years
even tho the boundaries went up in 2023 for my other subjects, none by that much - literally a few marks at most

exactly. i expected them to go up but almost a whole essays worth of marks is diabolical
Original post by lolae
i’ve complained about this to literally everyone who will listen to me cus i could easily get an A with 2022 grade boundaries and even 2019 but with the 2023 ones i’ll be lucky to get a B so i don’t even want to know what i’ll get this year😭😭

i'm praying they'll come down, even by a little bit this year
Original post by desperate-peculi
i'm praying they'll come down, even by a little bit this year

i think they will, since 2018/19 grade boundaries that weren't affected by covid were still much lower than last years, so hoping last years was j an anomaly 😭😭
Reply 11
Guys anyone doing les mains sales or letranger? Also, for the essays, what would be your way to approach the question. Eg if it’s a to what extent… how would you plan out the essay.
the aqa chat is popping off but its like radio silence here lmao why does no one do edexcel
Reply 13
praying that the les choristes question isn’t on père maxence
Reply 14
Original post by kjhgbhn
Guys anyone doing les mains sales or letranger? Also, for the essays, what would be your way to approach the question. Eg if it’s a to what extent… how would you plan out the essay.

i think if i were answering a ‘to what extent …’ question, i’d do like a for for against? like 2 ways it does show this, 1 way it doesn’t, or vice versa!
Reply 15
Original post by daisyhw8
praying that the les choristes question isn’t on père maxence

omg I wld have no clue what to say surely not
Reply 16
Original post by user93_
omg I wld have no clue what to say surely not

I think it was an option before? cld have been last year tbf just hoping not or i’ll cry. mathieu and a theme pleaseeee
do you guys do the translation or the essays first?
Reply 18
Original post by desperate-peculi
do you guys do the translation or the essays first?

translation in pencil, then essays to get myself thinking in french and return to go through the translation at the end and write it in pen when my brain is in gear. don’t ask looll
Reply 19
Original post by maxmcreynoldss
i think they will, since 2018/19 grade boundaries that weren't affected by covid were still much lower than last years, so hoping last years was j an anomaly 😭😭

What did u need in 2022 and 2019 to get an A?

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