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Reply 1
Trevs is hexagonal. 'Nuff said :biggrin:.
I've finally narrowed my decision for college preference to trev's or van mildert. I'm hoping to complete my application this week so any opinions of these two colleges would be greatly appreciated.

Someone's applying to Oxbridge as well methinks...
Reply 3
van mildert wins...hands down!
Reply 4
Trevs all the way!

FACT: Trevs has 50% more sides than Van Mildert, c'mon how boring is a college whose buildings are rectangular.
Reply 5
I always imagined that the smaller colleges will be like small villages where everybody knows you and they all scrutinise your every move. Perhaps not, though. I'm going to Van Mildert in a few weeks' time and it seems to be a really cool place with tonnes of nice people and a lovely lake full of ducks. Someone said they were kept awake by ducks on the open day though but I pretty much just crashed out after going to this dungeon of a bar: Jimmy Allen's.

We walked past Trevs, which is (as I'm sure you know) just across the road from VM, on the way to our department open day on the bailey. It looks like a confusing place really but I'm sure you'd get the hang of it. I don't think you'd dislike either of them and I think you are choosing between large and small here.

Each college has its talking points: heagons and ducks. It just depends whether you'd prefer to discuss geometry more often than nature and quacking.
Reply 6
Jimmy Allen's.

Each college has its talking points: heagons and ducks. It just depends whether you'd prefer to discuss geometry more often than nature and quacking.

I was in jimmy allens last week for the first time, it's quite nice but way too expensive for regular drinking
Reply 7
I always imagined that the smaller colleges will be like small villages where everybody knows you and they all scrutinise your every move. Perhaps not, though. I'm going to Van Mildert in a few weeks' time and it seems to be a really cool place with tonnes of nice people and a lovely lake full of ducks. Someone said they were kept awake by ducks on the open day though but I pretty much just crashed out after going to this dungeon of a bar: Jimmy Allen's.

We walked past Trevs, which is (as I'm sure you know) just across the road from VM, on the way to our department open day on the bailey. It looks like a confusing place really but I'm sure you'd get the hang of it. I don't think you'd dislike either of them and I think you are choosing between large and small here.

Each college has its talking points: heagons and ducks. It just depends whether you'd prefer to discuss geometry more often than nature and quacking.

Haha, I definitely agree with all that. I'm also off to Van Mildert in October, and on the Open Day I have to say that I loved it. My room was facing the lake, and I didn't actually hear many ducks, not so loud that they kept me awake, anyway! Although I was also at Jimmy Allens that night so this could have a lot to do with it... :tongue:

Seriously, though - both colleges are nice, and I'm sure you'd have a great time and love whichever one you ended up in. I do agree it's more a case of whether you'd like a large college or a smaller one, though. And what your viewpoint is on ducks (and who doesn't love ducks?!). :smile:
Reply 8
I love going to Jimmy As. Can't say I've ever bought a drink in there apart from one time when I bought one for my friend who we were deliberately getting drunk. Heehee.He threw up outside.....:s:

Double vodka lime + lemon was £4.90
After exams it was £1.50 a drink in Jimmy A's...those were the days.
and I'd say that a smaller college would probably have a closer community, but a larger one means you know more people. You'll probably be happy at either, but I personally would prefer Trevs, but I don't really like either of their bars, which are really the only parts of them I've seen.
Reply 10
Yeah, I think I bought a double vodka and orange and I remember being :eek: at the price!

Yeah, I'd expect it in chase or vasity I 'spose but it took me surprise
Reply 11
And what your viewpoint is on ducks (and who doesn't love ducks?!). :smile:

True... If you like feathered "friends" go to VM :smile:.
Reply 12
I bought a couple of drinks in there (Jimmy Allen's) but I have no idea what I paid. The reps kept telling us to ask for the 'Van Mildert discount', which I'm sure didn't exist.
Reply 13
Well in all seriousness it is a choice between big and small but dont forget trevs is hexagonal and has the best academic results and also has me dobbs charik wxyz and tonnes of other great people there so

Reply 14
has the best academic results

That should not affect anyones choice of college at all as there is no relation between college and teaching
Reply 15
Must be something in the water.
Reply 16
Nowt wrong with that :p:
That should not affect anyones choice of college at all as there is no relation between college and teaching

How do you explain the fact that trevs has consistantly got the best results for the last 10-15 years or so? It's the atmosphere, guy. It's not as if we're "goon college" or anything.

Also, the high probability of getting lost upon leaving your room, means you tend to spend a long time inside working!
Reply 18
Surely the coleges with the most applicants can cherrypick those whom they believe are going to get the best results whilst the less popular ones get who they can.
But trevs gets nowhere near the highest nuber of applicants, that's castle.

And I know a few folks who, on paper, wouldn't look the best candiates, but have gone on to get the best marks in their departments.