Hello. So I saw a really similar thread to this on the Bath forum and wanted to repeat it here... (and also on the Bristol forum haha) basically a load of annoying questions from someone considering applying to Edinburgh...
- What's the campus / university atmosphere like? Quiet, loud, active, community feel etc.
- What are halls like? Do different halls have different reputations, and if so, what are they? Do they have an atmosphere of everyone mixing together, or do people keep to themselves?
- Which are the local haunts and hangouts for the student body? (The ones which are most popular.)
- What are the prices like? I am also considering London but I am soooo put off by how expensive everything is !
- Are the winters really bad? This may sound idiotic but I know someone who got really depressed at Edinburgh simply because of how awful the weather was.. ie. windy and rainy etc. and she is quite a positive person so I took heed. But feel free to give me your own opinion if you disagree
Just gives you more of an idea of the place than the prospectus can ! (PS. sorry to the original author of the Bath thread... I completely copied your idea lmao.)
Thank you