The Student Room Group

Weird 90s TV Shows

I've been thinking about these two kids' TV shows that used to be on Channel 4 in the 90s, but I can't remember what either is called. Please help me, tis driving me crazy!

My first is a really vague memory, from early in the 90s, I think used to be on midday on weekdays. It was live action, about a boy who discovered this remote control and a robot (I think). There was a button on the remote control that sucked him into this strange TV show. I also remember something about a clock, and him always looking at it. There were also some struggles as he went through wormholes (or portals) as he dropped the remote control and had to make sure he didnt lose it (again, I think).

The second TV show was slightly more recent, early on Saturday mornings, this time a boy fell from his treehouse and went into a coma. There he entered a strange parallel world. Towards the end of the series his dad entered this world.

Any help would be much appreciated, especially for the first one.

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Hmm not sure what they are?

I remember watching a program in the afternoon on channel4 were the babies had no eyes and had skin covering were the eyes should be. It was an american show.

Does anyone know what this show was?
Reply 2
I've been thinking about these two kids' TV shows that used to be on Channel 4 in the 90s, but I can't remember what either is called. Please help me, tis driving me crazy!

My first is a really vague memory, from early in the 90s, I think used to be on midday on weekdays. It was live action, about a boy who discovered this remote control and a robot (I think). There was a button on the remote control that sucked him into this strange TV show. I also remember something about a clock, and him always looking at it. There were also some struggles as he went through wormholes (or portals) as he dropped the remote control and had to make sure he didnt lose it (again, I think).

The second TV show was slightly more recent, early on Saturday mornings, this time a boy fell from his treehouse and went into a coma. There he entered a strange parallel world. Towards the end of the series his dad entered this world.

Any help would be much appreciated, especially for the first one.

Was the first one an actual weekly?? Or a series of about 6 films...involving travelling between these kind of dimensions things and evil scientists by any chance?? If it is..i think i might know what it is.

Reply 3
I think it was a series. It wasn't very high budget. But if you think you know, please tell.
One very sketchy channel 4 show was Pob. Pob was very cool, though racist and very strange.

I remember him spitting on a screen (in polish nonetheless) and writing pob in it and a big box that Dick King Smith had to open but he had to devise a crazy machine to do it otherwise he'd get covered in crap.
And the psychadelic backgrounds and the sandpit where they told stories and after the story Pob was left a present and he had to dig under the town to find it and ended up knocking EVERYTHING over.

I'll see if I can get the link to the film clip of pob I found and realised it was racist...give me a few
Reply 5
I think it was a series. It wasn't very high budget. But if you think you know, please tell.

I don't think it's the same thing then....but the one i was thinking about was 'Josh Kirby- Time Warrior'....i watched all of the films which involved chasing down parts of a device called the nullifier...and a good scientist and an evil of them in a robot suit and trying to stop the end of the world.

Ragdoll's Website
Pob's Playtime
2 series of 'Pob's Playtime' were made in the following two years. In these programmes the guest told a story using wooden Pobbly people, vehicles and houses. Pobbly town was built in giant sandpit. Pob would dig his way under the sand so that he could interact with the guest and the Pobbly town folk. On one memorable occasion the jam tanker leaked all over town causing a terrible traffic-jam (and incidentally giving everything in the studio the texture of sandpaper).

What about Bucky O'Hare the only green rabbit on telly?
Reply 8
What about Bucky O'Hare the only green rabbit on telly?

Oh!!! That was amazing!!!! He gave those toads what for!!!!! And he had that alligator(i think it was an alligator anyway) who always said "I guaranteeeeeeee it!!!!"

God!! Those were the days!!!!! :biggrin:

Reply 9
Some additional info that I got from someone else who remembers the first one, that may be of help to you.

There was a robot in this shop in the shopping centre that had a clock on its chest or near it and it went all weird and he was sucked into this dimension or the future where he was in a tv studio, but outside was all desert/post-apoloyptic stuff.
Reply 10
One very sketchy channel 4 show was Pob. Pob was very cool, though racist and very strange.

I remember him spitting on a screen (in polish nonetheless) and writing pob in it and a big box that Dick King Smith had to open but he had to devise a crazy machine to do it otherwise he'd get covered in crap.
And the psychadelic backgrounds and the sandpit where they told stories and after the story Pob was left a present and he had to dig under the town to find it and ended up knocking EVERYTHING over.

I'll see if I can get the link to the film clip of pob I found and realised it was racist...give me a few

OMG! I watched Pob! Well, I can't remember actually watching it but I remember drawing a blue thing in nursery school and asking the teacher to write "Pob's box" so i could trace it. I distinctly remember her asking me if I was "sure" and she kept looking at me as if I was totally bizarre. I now know I was sane as a child!! Thank you Dani!
Reply 11
Excellent news. I have now discovered that the second programme was called "The Odyssey". Sadly the first is still nameless :frown:
What about Ulysses 31, a very crudely done sci-fi programme that was based on the greek myths (I watched it last night they found Orpheus trying to get Eurdyces, though I'm pretty sure that wasn't the original) and I'm still unclear as to what the little red robot was for.

Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, best theme tune ever

Denver the Last Dinosaur (he's my friend and a whole lot more (?!?!??!))
What about Ulysses 31, a very crudely done sci-fi programme that was based on the greek myths (I watched it last night they found Orpheus trying to get Eurdyces, though I'm pretty sure that wasn't the original) and I'm still unclear as to what the little red robot was for.

Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, best theme tune ever

Denver the Last Dinosaur (he's my friend and a whole lot more (?!?!??!))

Brass Eye was pretty cool - and i remember all the above ones from my childhood - i still have the mythology one on video tape - art malik as orpheus i think - and Jason and the wheeled warriors did have a cool theme but the enemy scared me at times
Kurdt Morello
Brass Eye was pretty cool - and i remember all the above ones from my childhood - i still have the mythology one on video tape - art malik as orpheus i think - and Jason and the wheeled warriors did have a cool theme but the enemy scared me at times

yeah it was kind of weird how they changed from plant to metal....and he had that crazy bulging brain

Oooh Rude Dog and the Dweebs (Rude dog, he's such a rude dog lol)

Oh and again my random useless fact I'm proud off. Shredder from
Turtles is Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince

Is anybody still unclear as to what Krang's purpose was?
Reply 15
Is anybody still unclear as to what Krang's purpose was?

Yes, I am. I'm also still unclear on what the name of my mystery programme was.
Reply 16
Yes, I am. I'm also still unclear on what the name of my mystery programme was.

Was it "Zap!", or something like that? Although I think that was on ITV.
Reply 17
Was it "Zap!", or something like that? Although I think that was on ITV.

No, it wasn't Zap. In fact my description sounds absolutely nothing like Zap. And don't you think I would have remembered a name like that? Nice try anyway :wink:
Slightly random thought here... does anybody remember that really freaky black doll from Playdays who used to climb up and down the slide etc? It used to make me crap myself as a kid, and I would love to see a pic or video clip of her doing her "act".

I loved playdays. God bless the tent stop!

edit: Is what your thinking about Knightmare? Or is it that same kind of programme? The kids used to wander about this "computerised" land and would come across evil monsters etc along the way. Didn't have a robot in it, but it was a "live action show" still. Not the one?
Reply 19
Why do people keep making te same suggestions? When I said live-action I meant as in not a cartoon, it was more of a drama series. In the loosest possible sense.