I've been thinking about these two kids' TV shows that used to be on Channel 4 in the 90s, but I can't remember what either is called. Please help me, tis driving me crazy!
My first is a really vague memory, from early in the 90s, I think used to be on midday on weekdays. It was live action, about a boy who discovered this remote control and a robot (I think). There was a button on the remote control that sucked him into this strange TV show. I also remember something about a clock, and him always looking at it. There were also some struggles as he went through wormholes (or portals) as he dropped the remote control and had to make sure he didnt lose it (again, I think).
The second TV show was slightly more recent, early on Saturday mornings, this time a boy fell from his treehouse and went into a coma. There he entered a strange parallel world. Towards the end of the series his dad entered this world.
Any help would be much appreciated, especially for the first one.