The Student Room Group

IB Survivor Society

IB Survivor Society.

Go to to join :smile:

Top 10 reasons to be an IB Diploma Candidate:

10) I want to conform to an international standard of educational excellence.
9) I want to be surrounded by other intelligent, dedicated students.
8) I want to work extremely hard.
7) I want to sacrifice almost all of my time to studying.
6) I want my class rank to be as low as it can possibly be.
5) I want to have an overwhelmingly high stress level.
4) I want to immerse myself in an environment of competition and mutual jealousy.
3) I want to burn away any vestiges of creativity or independent thought that I might have left after sophomore year.
2) I want to discover that all of the extra work I did to get the IB Diploma made absolutely no difference in my college admissions.
1) I feel masochistic.

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Oh. I thought this was, "I've survived IB" not "I'm surviving it" :frown:
Reply 2
Well, i sure feel like a survivor.
Reply 3
I think IB Survivor is good for survivors of the IB (past), and those currently in the IB who are still alive and kicking.

That's why I thought IB Survivors was a better name than IB Students, or IB whatever.

Think I should try to get it going?

It's for people who survived IB and those trying to survive it right now. Basically any past or present IB student.
Oh. Good. Yes :biggrin:

Hello, my name is Nat and I'm an IB Survivor (all clap)
Reply 5
Hello, my name is Graeme and I'm an IB Survivor so far. (applause)
I'm also an insomniac due to a disorder known as Ibworkloadia.

Also we need a logo... Any ideas? +rep to anyone who finds logos! :smile:
The classic one?

Or this?

I'm not very creative...
Reply 7
Haha it's alright. Very classic. I guess we should get a few and then vote.

The IB taught me life, and there was democracy in there somewhere.

I'll see if I find anything nice. Otherwise we will go for classic :smile: is nice.
Reply 8
Reply 9
What should the description be?
*snort with laughter* We need a slogan.
"Academic masochists unite!"

That makes it obvious that I'm in!
Reply 11
hey! im in! hahaha :]]
i survived another day of the IB today.
too bad I have to write my TOK essay and turn it in to my teacher tomorrow :p:
Reply 12
HMS, me like your slogan! :biggrin:
I liked the top 10 reasons. :biggrin: Yeah, that's where the slogan came from!
Reply 14
I am skipping English A1 HL right now because I think if I hear one more word about Hamlet I'll collapse. How important is the oral for groups of works?

The one where you get given a passage and 15 minutes to prepare a 15 minute presentation... :redface:
Reply 15
TBH I dont see the point

The IB sub forum is meant to be where you get advice on the IB, so why make a soc about it??

What criteria determines if you are a supervisor??

Not needed in my opinion!
Reply 16
It's just so that you have a little picture and stuff so that people can see you are/were an IB student.. It's not meant to be practical, it's meant to be useless and a way of showing you are/were in the IB.

Is it such a bad idea?

That being said.. The society is at the end of the page. :smile: As I said before, it's not about the the use, it's about showing off, etc :biggrin:
Reply 17
Bad? No

Pointless? Yes

People who want to be proud of the IB will stick it in their profiles or sigs.. dont need a society saying "I did IB".

Plus 'supervisor' is a bad word to use.. we dont supervise anything.
Reply 18
Who said anything about the word supervisor?

Reply 19
Only my opinion though..