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Is this a weird IB subject combo?

i dont rly know what im going to do in the future, i just know im not gonna become a doctor or surgeon and so i was thinking of taking bio and phy cuz most unis need maths and phy as HL for engineering and i can learn bio
i dont rly like chem
is this wierd or will it be fine?
i was also thinking of doing psychology with this
Reply 1
Hi! When you are not sure what you want to pursue in future, the best advice is to select subjects that you know you will enjoy, and this can carry you pretty far down the IB journey. HL Biology would be beneficial for Psychology. HL Physics and HL Math AA would be needed for Engineering. How do you like Math?
Reply 2
Original post by BubblesBB
Hi! When you are not sure what you want to pursue in future, the best advice is to select subjects that you know you will enjoy, and this can carry you pretty far down the IB journey. HL Biology would be beneficial for Psychology. HL Physics and HL Math AA would be needed for Engineering. How do you like Math?

Hii, tysm for responding
I enjoy maths and especially more challenging maths so I am going to pick maths AA for sure
Reply 3
Original post by kriss2
Hii, tysm for responding
I enjoy maths and especially more challenging maths so I am going to pick maths AA for sure

Great! So there you have it - HL Psychology + HL Physics + HL Math. Thumbs up!
Reply 4
Original post by kriss2
i dont rly know what im going to do in the future, i just know im not gonna become a doctor or surgeon and so i was thinking of taking bio and phy cuz most unis need maths and phy as HL for engineering and i can learn bio
i dont rly like chem
is this wierd or will it be fine?
i was also thinking of doing psychology with this
Hi, if you want to do something medical like being a doctor or surgeon I'd say you probably want to be doing Chemistry. It's also a great subject to do in combination with either Bio or Physics. Personally, I do Chem, Bio, Maths AA HL and Psych SL and I really like it, though it is a lot of work. I also didn't really want to Chemistry but I needed it for my Uni degree, but I'm 6 months in and it's actually become my favourite subject! So don't be afraid to try it out. Good luck
Reply 5
Original post by gannananas
Hi, if you want to do something medical like being a doctor or surgeon I'd say you probably want to be doing Chemistry. It's also a great subject to do in combination with either Bio or Physics. Personally, I do Chem, Bio, Maths AA HL and Psych SL and I really like it, though it is a lot of work. I also didn't really want to Chemistry but I needed it for my Uni degree, but I'm 6 months in and it's actually become my favourite subject! So don't be afraid to try it out. Good luck

Hii, tysm for replying, I’m actually now thinking of getting into biotech and our school had psychology with physics so ig I’ll do it as an AP subject cuz I’m interested in it too
Reply 6
Original post by BubblesBB
Hi! When you are not sure what you want to pursue in future, the best advice is to select subjects that you know you will enjoy, and this can carry you pretty far down the IB journey. HL Biology would be beneficial for Psychology. HL Physics and HL Math AA would be needed for Engineering. How do you like Math?

I actually enjoy maths so I’m taking that as AA HL and I’m taking bio and physics cuz it interests me. I’m trying to follow the ‘just choose the subjects that you like’ advice so I’m thinking of taking chemistry as well and getting an irregular IB diploma then do pychology as an AP subject but I’m scared of how colleges would think abt an irregular diploma
Reply 7
For irregular diploma you have to get approval by your school and you need a good reason instead of "I just like them" (usually why people take all 3 is because in some Europe countries they require you to take all 3 for med). I had a friend who took bio physics math HL initially who wanted to do something related to bio engineering (although they now changed paths to do something humanities related), but I don't think the subject combination is weird, just uncommon. You can always take psychology as an SL if you are interested in that as well.

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