No, you will not be at a disadvantage taking the IB. In fact, it will be a huge advantage as universities have expressed delight in accepting HL Science students because of their experience in self-directed research paper writing, which is a skill that is needed in university. (There is no course-work for A Levels Biology, as far as I know) FYI - I took HL Chem, HL Bio and HL Psych and have attained 777. IB Science students would not have any issue to hit the ground running. Our alumni have often given feedback to our High School that first year at university is easy. I am excited to see what my personal experience will be this fall.
I am not able to make topic to topic comparisons between A Levels Bio and IB HL Bio. I can however, say that comparing topics alone is not meaningful because you need to consider the bigger picture of how demanding the entire IB Diploma is of your time. 6 subjects in IB vs 3 in A levels. You have internal coursework for all 6 subjects. You have a 4000 word Extended Essay, TOK and CAS (Creative, Activities and Service). All of these pulling you at different directions all of the time.