The Student Room Group
Reply 1
By using other networks. If say you're on Orange and have no signal, Vodaphone will grant you emergency access for 999 calls.
Reply 2
112 should work too
but what if you're in a building deep underground where no one's network can function?
Reply 4
Then you can't make a call.
then you cant call
Reply 6
well then your phone won't say you can dial it.

Why did you get warned for that post ?
the warning message said 'please read the rules on rep comps' :wink:
:s-smilie: What rep comp? Someone's got it wrong with the warning there.

If you are in a place e.g. underground, where no network at all can reach, your phone will just say 'no signal'

If you are in a place where the network you are with can't reach but a competitor's network CAN, then they (the competitor) will allow you to make a call in an emergency, hence the '999 only'
Reply 9
That's awfully nice of the network.
Tiy sgihat wgatbibg aired iytm U riunk rge nod nade a bistahe.

*EDIT: That's what I get for turning around to look at the TV.
What that last sentence was SUPPOSED to say was:

"You should really get that warning looked at. I think the mod made a mistake.
Reply 10
Original post title said this: Rep to the first person who can answer this question. Hence, rep warning.
Reply 11
when we were doin a health and saftey briefing for D of E, they said when you dial 999 and theres no signal it apparently goes to a special dedicated 999 satelite or network, so where ever you are it will still dial as long as you are outside ofcourse not 10 feet underground.
Reply 12
when we were doin a health and saftey briefing for D of E, they said when you dial 999 and theres no signal it apparently goes to a special dedicated 999 satelite or network, so where ever you are it will still dial as long as you are outside ofcourse not 10 feet underground.

Nonsense. Emergency calls are prioritised, but it's the same infrastructure as normal phone calls.