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Chemistry Research, Durham University
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The "Ask a Durham Student" Thread :)

Ok, the number of new threads in this sub-forum has increased dramatically of late and a lot of these could have been avoided with a little research (i.e use of the "search" function). That's not to say that the issues raised in each thread aren't important, but it's just not feasible for new threads to be started everytime somebody has a question.

Having discussed this with the moderators, the new plan is for this here thread, the "Ask a Current Student" thread to be created and stickied in the Durham sub-forum. If you have a question which you feel can be answered quickly and succinctly with just a couple of posts and you can't find the answer you are looking for using the "search" function, simply post your question in here, and with any luck a current Durham student will happily oblige and try to answer.

Also, here's a link to Becca's hugely useful and informative Durham FAQ Thread:

I hope this helps unclog the Durham sub-forum and look forward to seeing the thread in use :smile:.

Loggins :smile:

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Reply 1
So what questions are fit for the regular sub-forum? Isn't the whole point of the sub-forum asking questions of current students?
Chemistry Research, Durham University
Durham University
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Reply 2
If there are questions which don't need a dedicated thread and can be answered simply with one or two posts, then they can be posted in here for ease. It's up to the poster to use their own judgement, the moderators and I thought it might be a good way of alleviating the number of threads in the forum as it has been somewhat jammed with threads which don't really need to be there. This concept has been tried and tested in other University sub forums, and it certainly works, so I hope it might do the same here. :smile:
Reply 3
and there is already a pinned FAQ.

Normally the problem is newbies to a forum ignore pinned threads, and it's so much easier to ask(coz my question is probably to unique to the others than have been asked) than search or look down the list of latest threads.
Reply 4
Yep I agree, this is what I put forward as a reason for all the trivial threads, laziness. One of the moderators suggested that we try this method out, it's worth a try.

I'll certainly do my best to keep track of this thread and answer any questions people may have (where I can).
Reply 5
Maybe if you asked one of the Mods if they could make the font for this thread a different colour (maybe bold and green?) and then it would stand out from the rest. (Like in the forum where it lists the threads, all the font is regular and blue, if this one was green and bold - does that make sense?)

Then questions like:

"How far is Grey from the Library?"
"How many formals does Castle have a week?"
"Are there any swimming baths in Durham?"
etc etc

...can go in this thread, whilst things like:

"So what should we pack for Durham?"
"What is the nightlife in Durham like? What kind of bars and clubs are there?"
"What are your favourite societies?"

..can go in the regular forum.

I think this is a good idea, some may not, but they are clearly the people who haven't been around for a while and realise how much they repeat themselves over and over again! Of course it won't stop everyone posting threads that can easily be answered, but it may alleviate some :smile:
Reply 6
Thanks dobbs, I'll ask one of the mods to change the colour of the thread title, good suggestion :smile:!

EDIT: It's been changed to red, hopefully it'll stand out more now!
Yeah, I think this is good idea for straight answer questions, whereas things that prompt discussion are more deserving of their own threads.
Reply 8
Aha. I now understand the distinction.
Reply 9
Yeah, it's not an attempt to kill the Durham sub-forum by any means, it's just to cut the number of trivial and somewhat unnecessary threads which can be avoided with one or two answers.
Reply 10
can you tell me what castle K65 is like? i was wondering about the access and storage and furniture. ive searched the forum threads and posted the question before but its been ignored and the only reference i can find is that its known as "the suicide room" which is kind of worrying, is this for real and why?!? thanks, like you said, itd be stupid to start a whole thread.
Reply 11
can you tell me what castle K65 is like? i was wondering about the access and storage and furniture. ive searched the forum threads and posted the question before but its been ignored and the only reference i can find is that its known as "the suicide room" which is kind of worrying, is this for real and why?!? thanks, like you said, itd be stupid to start a whole thread.

Hmmm, I'm not sure if there is anyone currently at Castle who posts regularly on TSR. Give it another day or so, I shall get in touch with Becca who is at Castle and get her ass in gear to answer your question :smile:
Reply 12
can you tell me what castle K65 is like? i was wondering about the access and storage and furniture. ive searched the forum threads and posted the question before but its been ignored and the only reference i can find is that its known as "the suicide room" which is kind of worrying, is this for real and why?!? thanks, like you said, itd be stupid to start a whole thread.

I've never heard 'suicide room' in reference to K65, although I've heard stories about one of the Norman Gallery rooms. :confused:

K65 is in the Keep, on the top floor I think. This means there are a lot of steps, which is a bit of a pain I suppose, but good exercise! In terms of furniture all rooms have a bed, a desk, a chair, and a wardrobe. Double rooms have two of each. You may be lucky and get a couple of extra chairs. They all have a sink, except a few in the Keep. I have no idea if yours is one of those or not. Rooms tend to be quite spacious, but do vary in size and I can't say I've ever seen K65. The Keep is always really hot or really cold, nothing in between. The showers are nice but never used to work when I lived there. In general, the Keep is a great place to live. And definately the coolest student accomodation in Durham, maybe even the world. Your friends from other colleges will be massively jealous.

Erm, can't think of anything else. Anything specific you needed to know?
Reply 13
thank you so much!!
Reply 14

The thread is working :smile:
Reply 15
:biggrin: get in there!
Reply 16
Any law noobs are welcome to talk with me. That is all.
Reply 17
Heh, I missed my chance to answer that question then! Ah well, this is a good idea for a thread, hopefully people will use it. I'm going into my 4th year at Castle studying French and Italian (and I've done Spanish as well) if people have any specific questions. :smile:
Reply 18
I'm on hand to answer Economics, German and English Literature questions, as well as questions about the city (since I've lived here all my life :biggrin:).
Reply 19
Very quick question...
Does anyone from St Mary's college know what storage is like out of term time, or what most people do with their stuff if they cant take it all home?

I'm starting to get worried given the amount of stuff I need to pack.
Thanks very much!

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