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Warwick Economics (L100) offer holders

Just made this thread for any updates if anyone gets any offers!

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Just gonna reply in this thread so I get any notifications for updates in this thread.

Warwick have been giving out offers for a lot of courses as of yet but I haven't seen a single one for Econ - I assume they probably haven't started rolling out decisions for L100 so far. This is also normally the time period when Economics offers start coming in though as per previous application cycles.

Hopefully it's not long till they do.
Original post by jobajojoba
Just gonna reply in this thread so I get any notifications for updates in this thread.

Warwick have been giving out offers for a lot of courses as of yet but I haven't seen a single one for Econ - I assume they probably haven't started rolling out decisions for L100 so far. This is also normally the time period when Economics offers start coming in though as per previous application cycles.

Hopefully it's not long till they do.

Yes I am hoping that they come out soon! Which other unis did you apply for? I did Cambridge (messed up that TMUA tho), LSE, UCL, Warwick, Durham
Original post by Anonymous #1
Original post by jobajojoba
Just gonna reply in this thread so I get any notifications for updates in this thread.

Warwick have been giving out offers for a lot of courses as of yet but I haven't seen a single one for Econ - I assume they probably haven't started rolling out decisions for L100 so far. This is also normally the time period when Economics offers start coming in though as per previous application cycles.

Hopefully it's not long till they do.

Yes I am hoping that they come out soon! Which other unis did you apply for? I did Cambridge (messed up that TMUA tho), LSE, UCL, Warwick, Durham

I originally did Cambridge but switched out last minute because I was NOT ready for the TMUA😭.

I applied to LSE, UCL, Imperial, Warwick and Bath - so pretty similar.

What are your predicted grades and GCSE’s like?
Original post by jobajojoba
I originally did Cambridge but switched out last minute because I was NOT ready for the TMUA😭.

I applied to LSE, UCL, Imperial, Warwick and Bath - so pretty similar.

What are your predicted grades and GCSE’s like?

i probably shouldve switched my cambridge choice too ahahaha. my predictions are A*A*A*A*(maths, fm, chem, econ) and i got 999999998 at gcse. hbu?
Original post by Anonymous #1
Original post by jobajojoba
I originally did Cambridge but switched out last minute because I was NOT ready for the TMUA😭.

I applied to LSE, UCL, Imperial, Warwick and Bath - so pretty similar.

What are your predicted grades and GCSE’s like?

i probably shouldve switched my cambridge choice too ahahaha. my predictions are A*A*A*A*(maths, fm, chem, econ) and i got 999999998 at gcse. hbu?


My predicteds are A*A*A*A* too (Maths, FM, Econ, Geography) and GCSE’s were 9999999988 and an A in FSMQ Additional Maths which is the max grade you can get tbf since it’s baso an AS qualification.

Do you plan to declare your TMUA score to LSE? I don’t know how important it is for pure Econ but I doubt it’s too significant.
Btw, are you home or international?
Just to let people applying to L100 Economics know that Warwick have started rolling out offers, I've just seen one applicant receive an offer today for Econ. Although they seem to give out offers to international applicants first.
Original post by jobajojoba

My predicteds are A*A*A*A* too (Maths, FM, Econ, Geography) and GCSE’s were 9999999988 and an A in FSMQ Additional Maths which is the max grade you can get tbf since it’s baso an AS qualification.

Do you plan to declare your TMUA score to LSE? I don’t know how important it is for pure Econ but I doubt it’s too significant.
Btw, are you home or international?

Wow!! im not entirely sure yet whether i shld. im a home student
Original post by Anonymous #1
Original post by jobajojoba

My predicteds are A*A*A*A* too (Maths, FM, Econ, Geography) and GCSE’s were 9999999988 and an A in FSMQ Additional Maths which is the max grade you can get tbf since it’s baso an AS qualification.

Do you plan to declare your TMUA score to LSE? I don’t know how important it is for pure Econ but I doubt it’s too significant.
Btw, are you home or international?

Wow!! im not entirely sure yet whether i shld. im a home student

Finally at least I found a home applicant who’s applying for similar choices, otherwise everyone else I see is an international applicant and has cracked grades 😭.

I don’t think they even look at it for pure Econ - I’ve seen so many people with very low scores or they didn’t declare it get offers, and not many people actually declare their score.
Original post by jobajojoba
Finally at least I found a home applicant who’s applying for similar choices, otherwise everyone else I see is an international applicant and has cracked grades 😭.

I don’t think they even look at it for pure Econ - I’ve seen so many people with very low scores or they didn’t declare it get offers, and not many people actually declare their score.

ahhahaha same here! ohhh right okay that's good yh i hope they don't.
im kinda getting worried i keep seeing people for other courses getting offers
I just got an offer today!! (International Student, A Star, A Star, A offer with an A* in Maths)
Original post by Anonymous
I just got an offer today!! (International Student, A Star, A Star, A offer with an A* in Maths)

Congrats!! May I ask what your GCSEs and predictions were?
I'm so impatient I just wish offers will roll in as fast as possible for UK students😭. Does anyone know roughly when they start considering UK students for L100? Getting a Warwick offer would be a dream.
Original post by Guyyoujustmet
I'm so impatient I just wish offers will roll in as fast as possible for UK students😭. Does anyone know roughly when they start considering UK students for L100? Getting a Warwick offer would be a dream.

omg sameee, i keep checking my emails far too often! i have seen a lot of UK students found out in april last year which is making me anxious...
Original post by Anonymous
omg sameee, i keep checking my emails far too often! i have seen a lot of UK students found out in april last year which is making me anxious...

lmao i’m constantly checking emails too, doesn’t help the impatience. No way we will have to wait for around april it’ll actually be so nerve wracking. I thought LSE sending offers around february was gonna be such a long time 💀
I know someone who got an offer already but it was a contextual one(home student). so maybe it won’t be that long 😭
Original post by Anonymous
I know someone who got an offer already but it was a contextual one(home student). so maybe it won’t be that long 😭

Impressive as hell 🙂. Praying an offer comes in from Warwick.
Got an offer today (unconditional and I'm a home student)
Original post by gandiaman
Got an offer today (unconditional and I'm a home student)

When did you apply and what were your grades and stuff? Well done btw that's impressive asf
Original post by Guyyoujustmet
When did you apply and what were your grades and stuff? Well done btw that's impressive asf

I applied around the 30th of September- with an achieved 45 at IB and 13 9's at GCSE (im taking a gap year atm)

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