The Student Room Group
my comp is prob 25KG (or summit like that). but then it aint designed to be carried everywhere
Reply 2
2.8 kg
You will find a lot of laptops can weigh in the 3-4kg region - most power laptops anyway.

Mine is 3.4kg fully laiden (becareful about company quoting without battery, that's a trick some use!). Mine is fine for carrying around in small amounts and to and from uni, I wouldn't want to constantly have it with me though! lol

If you intend to do that, I would go for a centrino based system which is more portable (also you will get more than 2 hours battery life).
Reply 4
You will find a lot of laptops can weigh in the 3-4kg region - most power laptops anyway.

Mine is 3.4kg fully laiden (becareful about company quoting without battery, that's a trick some use!). Mine is fine for carrying around in small amounts and to and from uni, I wouldn't want to constantly have it with me though! lol

If you intend to do that, I would go for a centrino based system which is more portable (also you will get more than 2 hours battery life).

the laptop I have bought is a centrino mobile technology, it still ways 3.2kg... he he

thanks for the replies

Reply 5

does it come c/w a car battery for 300 hour battery life?
Reply 7
does it come c/w a car battery for 300 hour battery life?

It comes with a 17inch wide screen, 2.8ghz, 1024mb ram and a shockingly good garphics card :tongue:
Reply 8
It comes with a 17inch wide screen, 2.8ghz, 1024mb ram and a shockingly good garphics card :tongue:

do you carry it around uni with you?

if so, is it a pain in the neck?


Some go well above that.....
Reply 10
Upon lifting it up, I have deemed it to weight 2.6kg...
I am mightily impressed at the accuracy of your measuring of mass ability.

3.2kg won't kill you but it's not the most portable, I bet you find you don't carry it around much anyway!
Reply 12
2kg! :smile:
Reply 13
the laptop I have bought is a centrino mobile technology, it still ways 3.2kg... he he

thanks for the replies


Centrino doesn't mean lighter. But because centrino is wireless, it is expected that it would be carried more. So manufacturers make lighter laptops and they almost always have centrino technology.
Reply 14
Reply 15

You've got that sexy Sony S1 or S2 haven't you? :wink: