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PwC Assessment Centre

Is there anyone attending AC for PwC on 1th Apr.???

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Reply 1
Original post by chenllllll
Is there anyone attending AC for PwC on 1th Apr.???

Heyyy, yes I am!!
Reply 2
Original post by AnooshaV
Heyyy, yes I am!!

Wow! can we talk through Masseger? I have sent my name in the message part here.
Reply 3
Original post by chenllllll
Wow! can we talk through Masseger? I have sent my name in the message part here.

Just replied, check your inbox :smile:
Hi guys, I have my ac in a few days and I’m really nervous. :frown: Pls could you tell me the structure of the day? Mine is for graduate management consulting.
Is the interview a formal interview? Or coaching interview? Xx
Reply 5

Yes of course. So once you start your day you will be given range of tasks to do with different deadlines. There will be a report and an email due by 11:45. Between 9 and 11:45, you will also have your interview which is 30 min. After 11:45 you will have your group task and then you will get 30 min to write the summary of your group task and self reflection. The day goes by real quick, so make sure you manage your time efficiently. In regard to the interview, that would be more about PwC and why this role. You will also be asked two Situation Judgement questions, but they would be easy. Let me know if you have any further questions. Good luck :smile:
Hi! How did your assessment centre go? I have one on the 15th for a school leaver apprenticeship.
Do you have any tips? What was the layout like?
Reply 7
Has anyone heard back?
Original post by Chinkol
Has anyone heard back?

No I had my AC on the 8th and still waiting to hear my result. So nervous
Hey. Sadly I didn’t pass the AC but I’m gonna reapply. Does anyone know if I can use the same application on the very first stage where they ask why u wanna work for pwc etc, or do I have to change my answer?
Original post by vaselinebruv
Hey. Sadly I didn’t pass the AC but I’m gonna reapply. Does anyone know if I can use the same application on the very first stage where they ask why u wanna work for pwc etc, or do I have to change my answer?

Hey, I didn't pass either. My application did not ask to write any answer, but if yours did, probably reword it a little bit and paste it.
Original post by AnooshaV
Hey, I didn't pass either. My application did not ask to write any answer, but if yours did, probably reword it a little bit and paste it.

Aw sorry to hear that! Are you going to apply again?
Original post by vaselinebruv
Aw sorry to hear that! Are you going to apply again?

Umm no not really!
Original post by vaselinebruv
Hey. Sadly I didn’t pass the AC but I’m gonna reapply. Does anyone know if I can use the same application on the very first stage where they ask why u wanna work for pwc etc, or do I have to change my answer?

I'm really sorry to hear about that, i have my assessment centre coming up soon and i was wondering if you could give any advice about the interview, im learning as much as i can about the company but i'm worried ill be caught off guard!
i didnt pass it either!
Original post by Cclarke0611
i didnt pass it either!

oh no how come? what did your feedback say? sorry to hear that
Original post by jellybean125
I'm really sorry to hear about that, i have my assessment centre coming up soon and i was wondering if you could give any advice about the interview, im learning as much as i can about the company but i'm worried ill be caught off guard!

hi yeah! the questions are motivation mainly, like why u wanna work there, what you know about ur line of service, qualifications involved. only thing that caught me off guard was 'what challenges is ur line of service facing'
Original post by vaselinebruv
hi yeah! the questions are motivation mainly, like why u wanna work there, what you know about ur line of service, qualifications involved. only thing that caught me off guard was 'what challenges is ur line of service facing'

thank you! just had mine today, it went pretty well fingers crossed!

Original post by vaselinebruv
hi yeah! the questions are motivation mainly, like why u wanna work there, what you know about ur line of service, qualifications involved. only thing that caught me off guard was 'what challenges is ur line of service facing'

How long did it take for you to hear back in regards to a outcome from your assessment?
Original post by Gingercot3

How long did it take for you to hear back in regards to a outcome from your assessment?

I heard back within 3 working days, did it on Thursday and heard back on Tuesday

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