The Student Room Group

Fashion Week Internships is a scam?

I applied for on indeed for content writer paid internship. They sent me test topics which were relatively easy and tabloid style ones. I wrote one on the best neighborhoods in London and sent it and was shortlisted. However, I find something strange. They advertised for content writer but they don't have a written page or blog page. Moreover, they have 0 posts on Instagram.
In the shortlisted email, they said they would like to use my article for their socials but when they don't have a blog or anything, where will they feature it? They also encouraged me to put the written piece on my CV.

Is this a scam?
(edited 3 years ago)
Reply 1
Hi I am in the same boat !!Not sure if it is a scam and couldn’t find a blog page of theirs either. Don’t know what to do !
Reply 3
Any news about this??
Hi, I wrote a post and it was used in an online fashion magazine. They gave me credit for it, and let me know when it was published, so it's definitely not a scam. It took a long time for them to get back to me though. 😕
Reply 5
IT IS A SCAM. the only give you company names after you pay the whole program. Surprise, they actually don't. They disappear from mails and phones. They give everyone the same info. The company doesn't not have an office, I called the building and it's a lie too. The bank, Wise, so no offices or people to complain.
Reply 6
Original post by alianomad
I applied for on indeed for content writer paid internship. They sent me test topics which were relatively easy and tabloid style ones. I wrote one on the best neighborhoods in London and sent it and was shortlisted. However, I find something strange. They advertised for content writer but they don't have a written page or blog page. Moreover, they have 0 posts on Instagram.
In the shortlisted email, they said they would like to use my article for their socials but when they don't have a blog or anything, where will they feature it? They also encouraged me to put the written piece on my CV.

Is this a scam?

Maybe they manage to place some students, but it is certain that with someone else they promise the best and then disappear! Be careful because they always reply and pretend to take into account all your needs, they promise you "open positions" in the city of your choice and after you've paid the full fee they start bringing up absurd problems and then disappear. And you will never get your money back! They stole £900 from me! They promised me an internship, in an existing fashion company, up to 3 days from the start of the internship. It was in a foreign city so I had paid for the flight and the apartment too! I have filed a lawsuit against them and am writing to all the fashion brands they show or mention on their website warning of the scam, and they continue to replicate with lies, lies, lies.
P.S. They 've never answered to my lawyer!
Reply 7
Original post by alianomad
I applied for on indeed for content writer paid internship. They sent me test topics which were relatively easy and tabloid style ones. I wrote one on the best neighborhoods in London and sent it and was shortlisted. However, I find something strange. They advertised for content writer but they don't have a written page or blog page. Moreover, they have 0 posts on Instagram.
In the shortlisted email, they said they would like to use my article for their socials but when they don't have a blog or anything, where will they feature it? They also encouraged me to put the written piece on my CV.

Is this a scam?

Get my money but never respond, i cannot find them。 so i need a lawyer。
Original post by ElenaLa
Maybe they manage to place some students, but it is certain that with someone else they promise the best and then disappear! Be careful because they always reply and pretend to take into account all your needs, they promise you "open positions" in the city of your choice and after you've paid the full fee they start bringing up absurd problems and then disappear. And you will never get your money back! They stole £900 from me! They promised me an internship, in an existing fashion company, up to 3 days from the start of the internship. It was in a foreign city so I had paid for the flight and the apartment too! I have filed a lawsuit against them and am writing to all the fashion brands they show or mention on their website warning of the scam, and they continue to replicate with lies, lies, lies.
P.S. They 've never answered to my lawyer!

Hi has there been any update about this? :smile:
Reply 9
Original post by babyespresso
Hi has there been any update about this? :smile:

No, unfortunately not. They are very good at disappearing. My lawyer told me that it would be more convenient to have a local lawyer but I can't manage it so I'm waiting for the opportunity to start a legal case with a group of scammed and someone able to choose a good British lawyer. Are you interested ?
Original post by lancy m
Get my money but never respond, i cannot find them。 so i need a lawyer。

I'm interested in starting a law action as well
It is a SCAM. Do never work with fashionweekinternship. They take your money and you never will get the job. The took the money of my daughter and she didn't get an interview or a job. pleas be carful and do NOT send them any money.
Original post by HugoB
IT IS A SCAM. the only give you company names after you pay the whole program. Surprise, they actually don't. They disappear from mails and phones. They give everyone the same info. The company doesn't not have an office, I called the building and it's a lie too. The bank, Wise, so no offices or people to complain.

Hello, the same happend to my daughter. They took her money and she never got a job or an interview :frown:
Reply 13
Original post by ElenaLa
Maybe they manage to place some students, but it is certain that with someone else they promise the best and then disappear! Be careful because they always reply and pretend to take into account all your needs, they promise you "open positions" in the city of your choice and after you've paid the full fee they start bringing up absurd problems and then disappear. And you will never get your money back! They stole £900 from me! They promised me an internship, in an existing fashion company, up to 3 days from the start of the internship. It was in a foreign city so I had paid for the flight and the apartment too! I have filed a lawsuit against them and am writing to all the fashion brands they show or mention on their website warning of the scam, and they continue to replicate with lies, lies, lies.
P.S. They 've never answered to my lawyer!

What happened with this? They did the same thing to me.

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