The Student Room Group

Histopathology application 2023

Hi all,

I've been out of the application game for a while but planning to appy for histopathology ST1 this November. Do we know if it is still going to be online interviews this year like last year? Does anyone know what the interviews were like last time?

Would be grateful if someone could help out.

Thank you.

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I also want to apply for Histopath. Does anyone have any idea about the self-assessment system? How can I score high ?
Hey all. I am also keen to apply to Histopathology ST1 this November. I have not been able to find a clear answer about interviews being online or face to face so far.
Try joining the facebook group pathkids and ask the questions there.

Best thing to do is visit your local pathology department and speak to the registrars there.
Pathologists are super friendly especially if people want to join our specialty. Networking is very powerful
Reply 4
Hi there. If you go to original job advert, they mentioned the interviews will be remote and will last 30 mins between 6/2 and 9/2.

Original post by delib
Hi all,

I've been out of the application game for a while but planning to appy for histopathology ST1 this November. Do we know if it is still going to be online interviews this year like last year? Does anyone know what the interviews were like last time?

Would be grateful if someone could help out.

Thank you.
Reply 5
Does anyone have any idea of how to prep for the interview?
Reply 6
Just got my self-assessment scores and they were very strict about scoring it seems...I didn't get points for publication even though I added the links to my pubmed publications - they said not enough evidence...anyone else struggling?
Reply 7
Does anyone know what the self-assessment cut off score for interview was last year? ☺️
Reply 8
I read somewhere it was 19 but still can’t find a concrete answer since it seems so low.

Original post by Dev_raj
Does anyone know what the self-assessment cut off score for interview was last year? ☺️
Reply 9
Original post by rokzie
I read somewhere it was 19 but still can’t find a concrete answer since it seems so low.

Yeh that sounds too good to be true!
I noticed a status change to 'Interview' this morning.
Has anybody received interview invite yet ?
Reply 11
Mine has changed to “Interview too, but no invite so far
Reply 12
Same, mine just says ‘interview in progress’ is that the same for everyone else?
Same here ! Waiting for my invitation
Reply 14
I believe the status change means you’re off to the next step but according to timeline the invitations will be out on the 23rd of Jan
Reply 15
So I was told by the trainees that the cutoff was 21 last year and 18 the year before that.

Original post by Dev_raj
Yeh that sounds too good to be true!
Scored 26 and didn’t get an interview, yikes!!
Really ? I am sorry but I think the competition ratio is getting worse and worse. As far as I know, last year the cut off score was 21
I’m ok! Thank you! Let’s not be afraid of failure, it isn’t a dirty word :smile: I get the excited of deciding what I’m gonna do next
There will be plenty of choice and I think you will find a better one !

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