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french writing exam...

hi,so im doing french aqa higher gcse, and i have my mock in 4 days! generally im quite good at french, but my ego got shattered when i got 16/32 on my 150 words test i did in class :frown: so now im quite scared for the actual proper exam hall mock. idk what i need to know and be good at for the writing, especially the 150 words (the class one was an abomination fr every sentence i wrote had major errors LOL) because i know i do well in listening reading and speaking so to have my chances of a grade 9 be completely ruined because of my inability to write normal coherent sentences is smth i dont want... so fr what do i have to focus on this is such an emergency im so scared! also yeah i have 4 days thats loads of time but i have 15 other exams to revise for like im not doing well w time management so i need something i can do in like 2-3 hours! pls help i actually have potential in french which isnt the same for any of my other classes LMAO
Original post by hannaslays
hi,so im doing french aqa higher gcse, and i have my mock in 4 days! generally im quite good at french, but my ego got shattered when i got 16/32 on my 150 words test i did in class :frown: so now im quite scared for the actual proper exam hall mock. idk what i need to know and be good at for the writing, especially the 150 words (the class one was an abomination fr every sentence i wrote had major errors LOL) because i know i do well in listening reading and speaking so to have my chances of a grade 9 be completely ruined because of my inability to write normal coherent sentences is smth i dont want... so fr what do i have to focus on this is such an emergency im so scared! also yeah i have 4 days thats loads of time but i have 15 other exams to revise for like im not doing well w time management so i need something i can do in like 2-3 hours! pls help i actually have potential in french which isnt the same for any of my other classes LMAO

Hiya there!

It sounds like you're going through a tough time in GCSE French right now, but please remember that mocks aren't the be all and end all! :suith: I'm sure you know much more than you think - you just had a little slip up, but you can definitely improve a lot from now and get that grade 9! For the next few days, I would do little and often revision here and there, but not going overboard. I would advise you to remember a few sentences/sentence structures/phrases and then use them in your writing practice; that way you know that you'll have some good sentences in your work so that you get a higher grade :h:. Once your mocks are over, I would focus on doing more writing past papers in your own time, and also nailing your vocab!

Hope this helps x

UCL Y3 Med Student
Study Mind
if there's any way you can have practice talking/writing in french, like Duolingo or a pen pal, definitely try that!

to get used to sentence structures and tenses i recommend watching a tv show you like in french with english subtitles--it highlights the difference between English and french sentence structures, similar with music. The inverse doesn't work too well unless you're decently fluent but it's always worth a try.

i'm not fluent yet but i'd be more than happy to help you out with practice if you want.
Reply 3
Original post by StudyMind
Hiya there!

It sounds like you're going through a tough time in GCSE French right now, but please remember that mocks aren't the be all and end all! :suith: I'm sure you know much more than you think - you just had a little slip up, but you can definitely improve a lot from now and get that grade 9! For the next few days, I would do little and often revision here and there, but not going overboard. I would advise you to remember a few sentences/sentence structures/phrases and then use them in your writing practice; that way you know that you'll have some good sentences in your work so that you get a higher grade :h:. Once your mocks are over, I would focus on doing more writing past papers in your own time, and also nailing your vocab!

Hope this helps x

UCL Y3 Med Student
Study Mind

hah just a very late update but i did end up getting a 9!!
Reply 4
Original post by hannaslays
hi,so im doing french aqa higher gcse, and i have my mock in 4 days! generally im quite good at french, but my ego got shattered when i got 16/32 on my 150 words test i did in class :frown: so now im quite scared for the actual proper exam hall mock. idk what i need to know and be good at for the writing, especially the 150 words (the class one was an abomination fr every sentence i wrote had major errors LOL) because i know i do well in listening reading and speaking so to have my chances of a grade 9 be completely ruined because of my inability to write normal coherent sentences is smth i dont want... so fr what do i have to focus on this is such an emergency im so scared! also yeah i have 4 days thats loads of time but i have 15 other exams to revise for like im not doing well w time management so i need something i can do in like 2-3 hours! pls help i actually have potential in french which isnt the same for any of my other classes LMAO

this is acc my situation my writing was good until the start of year 11 I thought It was a one off but its happened a few time idk how to fix it
Reply 5
Original post by hannaslays
hah just a very late update but i did end up getting a 9!!

well done
on my mock I just got a 7
and I revised tenses did a whole grid on the back of my paper
and structures and stuff and wrote a whole list out
she said I wrote too much and made errors in some of the structures and overall errors
she's not rlly giving me any useful advice but what did u end up doing for revision
also what are u doing for the other French exams too
Reply 6
Original post by riley.luce
well done
on my mock I just got a 7
and I revised tenses did a whole grid on the back of my paper
and structures and stuff and wrote a whole list out
she said I wrote too much and made errors in some of the structures and overall errors
she's not rlly giving me any useful advice but what did u end up doing for revision
also what are u doing for the other French exams too

my speaking was an 8 and I got an 8 on listening and reading too w/o revision
I acc revised for writing and just got a 7 which is so embarrassing
Reply 7
Original post by riley.luce
my speaking was an 8 and I got an 8 on listening and reading too w/o revision
I acc revised for writing and just got a 7 which is so embarrassing

idk if this is too late of a response but the speaking booklet genuinely saved my life i uust memoried the hell out of all my reponses and made them rlly good but good luck im sure you'll do/you did fine!
Original post by hannaslays
idk if this is too late of a response but the speaking booklet genuinely saved my life i uust memoried the hell out of all my reponses and made them rlly good but good luck im sure you'll do/you did fine!

do u recommend memorising speaking answers? also for your speaking answers, what checkist did u use to write them? as in how do ik if my answers are grade 9 worthy (how mny tenses did u use per answer? xx
Reply 9
Original post by klnlljkklhklll
do u recommend memorising speaking answers? also for your speaking answers, what checkist did u use to write them? as in how do ik if my answers are grade 9 worthy (how mny tenses did u use per answer? xx

yes yes yes most definitely make sure you know them like the back of your hand because you dont even need to understand them to memorise them. make sure you're pronouncing things well too but it doesnt have to be perfect. i didnt really use a checklist, but i tried to use some of the more complex sentence structures rather than simple ones whenever i could, and i would try use multiple tenses aswell; one of my questions was smth like "quest-ce que t'etudie au college?" and instead of being like "j'etudie l'art car je suis tres creatif" i said smth like "j'ai choisi d'etudie la geographie l'art et l'histoire, mais je regrette d'avoir choisir l'art parce que je n'ai pas la patience. j'espère que j'aurai une bonne note l'annee prochaine" (idek if thats grammatically correct lol i havent even thought abt french for over a year) but yeah its super long but soooo worth it to get full marks for speaking. also not all of your answers have to be super detailed but they shouldnt be really simple, if theyre short make them have some sort of complex sentence structure! also make them kinda interesting your teachers will grade u better if you're a bit creative. good luck!!

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