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l'histoire d'une de mes folies: a sort of diary thing

so... this is a space where i am going to voice my thoughts and talk a bit because i've been having trouble actually writing in my diary recently and am too tired to physically write. this i can do in class, at home, in the car, wherever, so it should be easier. and the idea that someone completely random could be reading my thoughts without knowing who i am or having any ideas attached to me is sort of liberating.

anyway. my day has gone horribly yet i can't bring myself to be sad. the me a year ago would be sobbing in her bedroom with the curtains drawn not knowing what to do next but i literally cannot cry. i can frown (got asked by three teachers today if i was okay!) but not cry. i have been singing bejewelled by taylor swift to myself all afternoon.

speaking of taylor swift, i am currently really into her music. i'm also into lorde, the neighbourhood, calpurnia, bastille, mitski, and ricky montgomery.

i love to read (i'm currently reading life:a user's manual by georges perec) and my favourite book is probably the secret history by donna tartt. i love greek mythology (see: percy jackson kid who never moved on)

i'm a teenager in the uk doing her gcses. i'm muslim and have been wearing a hijab since september 2021. i have epilepsy but we kinda deny i have it because the seizures are rare now.
no, i am not triggered by flashing lights.

i like to write and won a competition for it last year but i won't say what because then you'll be able to see a ton of stuff about me.

back to today- as usual, i had school (yay!!!!!!!). i got in early so i listened to some music (anyone want my spotify) and talked to my friend. the two of us then went to our hip meeting (hip= high intellectual potential- it's this programme at our school) and we talked about picasso's guernica.

then i went to history and sat with my friend (call her diana even though she's brown) and it was a good lesson because i love history, the montgomery bus boycott is interesting, and my friend and i always have fun in that class.

i then had english, which i had been dreading because i was going to get a ton of stuff back, but then we didn't and we just read and annotated the whole lesson. (my english teacher asked me if i was ok because i was 'frowning' [look at me embedding quotes girlboss]. i stammered replying god it was embarrassing)

i then had break, at which point i am going to take a break to tell you that this may sound boring but this is just the easiest way for me to walk my way through. i went to a meeting for rocket science club. my physics teacher then asked if i was ok because i looked 'stressed'. i mean yes, but still.

after break i had biology. and i got my test back. teacher asked me if i was ok because i looked sad which i was. i'm really unhappy with my result. i don't care if it's good compared to other peoples' (i mean as a whole) or if the percentage looks good, i am not happy. nearly cried but didn't- i always cry in that class. biology = near panic attacks.

i had pshce period 4 AND I HATE MY FORM GROUP AND TUTOR. (i am considering requesting to move because i have a strong case). we talked about marriage for a full hour and had to do a circletime so i couldn't just read my book.

lunchtime was nice and peaceful. i sat with my friend from hip (first friend i mentioned, let's call her lily) and we talked and had fun. second lunch our other friends (diana and two others who i cannot be bothered to give names) came back. lily and one of the other friends were having a sort of argument about something (this happens a lot) and then i had maths which sucked because i had maths. i got most of the answers right today but i hate going so much.

after maths was chemistry where i couldn't focus and so struggled to understand and then i got to go home and listen to taylor swift on the coach (my current obsession)

and then i came home, ate a snack, and here we are. i have an essay to write for hip (we have to complete a 'challenge' each term) and a report to write for rocket science club but this is more fun. i'm trying to think if there's anything else i want to add but if i remember later i'll just put it somewhere below. i've got to pray maghrib now. bye for now ((:

oh, by the way, i'm maryam if you couldn't tell from the user.

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This is really interesting! Replying to follow the thread :smile::h:
i'm back! i managed to plan out my essay and am going to make a uquiz soon. i forgot to mention that i love gilmore girls, stranger things, and studio ghibli! my favourite film is dead poets society

... i forgot to post that. i'm currently at school and we're making plans to do some charity stuff for turkiye and syria. taylor swift >
I have never been interested in someone's life this much haha! You really do know how to write a good diary entry. I'm gonna follow this thread:biggrin:
Your school must be crazy to have a rocket science club lol. Best my school could do was a mini pool table :redface:
Original post by Huzam001
Your school must be crazy to have a rocket science club lol. Best my school could do was a mini pool table :redface:

rocket science club is just a way to make people join... we're basically doing a competition called 'cansat'. mini pool table sounds fun though
so! today i had a pretty decent day. my dad and i have been arguing a bit recently but today that stopped and on the way to school he helped me with some points for my essay. i literally have no memory of form time which is nice. i had geography first, AND MY TEACHER CHANGED THE SEATING PLAN. I still have friends on my table, but i really miss my old one. I think i have a pretty good idea as to why the seating plan got changed (the girl is my friend, and that's all i'm going to say because my other friend- let's call her louise [hi louise!!]- has discovered this and i want to prevent drama) but i miss my old table mostly. biology was a lot of fun today. my teacher was teaching over a teams call because his daughter was sick, so louise and i listened to music and joined the call on my laptop together.

after break, it went downhill a little bit. i love physics, and my teacher is great, but i'm just not very good at it anymore. i had fun anyway. maths was, as usual, rubbish, although i got things mostly right today (: (she just set an assignment make it ): ). i spent the whole of lunch at rocket science club working on the can where all the computery bits are going to go. the worst part of the day came straight after- extended form time!!
normally i miss this because it's either assembly or because i have a hip (see earlier posts) meeting then, but today i could not avoid it. my form tutor announced on monday that we have to put together an assembly for friday. monday, as in, the day before yesterday and friday as in, the day after tomorrow. the other classes have already planned theirs out and theirs is in april. i agreed to announce the assembly (like, hi today we're talking about culture within our school) and then read my book because god it was horrible in there.

I HAD ENGLISH AFTER WHICH I LOVE SO MUCH. Louise and my friend who I will call Lane weren't there because they had touring, but my friend who i shall call helen was. we had a bit of a laugh because the board in the classroom had a list of songs on it including 'dandillions' and ABC by 'micheal jackson'. and then my teacher (she's super nice and we really like her!! convinced she's a swiftie bc she has the vibe and one time she said evermore) said something along the lines of 'i can't have parents walk in and see the real slim shady on the whiteboard' and rubbed it off. no parents came in. anyway, our english teacher can be really funny sometimes. but no one besides the four of us on our table laughs, which makes me wonder if a) she doesn't realise she's funny or b) she's just got some incredibly niche humour we all get or c) we're just weird. i like to think it's a combination of b and c.

and so after that, i came home from school, prayed my asr, finished my lunch (lunch was too busy to eat properly), attempted to revise for my latin test on friday, and now here we are. i am almost certain to fail this test, i'm fairly sure ALL of my grades are going to slip, and i have maths tuition later and i don't want to gooooo. i need it desperately but i just can't be bothered.

in non school related news, i've made plans to go pottery painting with my friend soon and i'm super excited. on a more emo note, i have been feeling really stressed out about dofe. (duke of edinburgh bronze award). there's so much to do, and buy, and the food aspect horrifies me. have you seen those wayfayrer meals? disgusting. and i'm a picky eater which makes it worse. my mum helped me find something edible looking last night but i'm still anxious about it. i should probably go do some latin work. or my physics homework. ok. going to do some latin and then if i have something else to say i shall speak to you later.

yours alluringly (howls moving castle <3)
today i am in an unbelievably good mood. sorry for not writing yesterday, thursdays are crazy busy for me. i mentioned that appeal thing for turkiye earlier- well, it got rejected so now we're doing a petition. i had dofe training after school, so i've started on my practice route card. OH AND MY WOOL ARRIVED SO I GET TO CROCHET LILY OF THE VALLEY FAIRY LIGHTS
(can you tell i'm excited)
i'm also eating this really excellent banana cake and i have style by taylor swift stuck in my head while doing my physics homework.

in our usual style, let me walk you through the day.
before form, my friends and i made the decision to start a petition, made the form, and sent it out. that pretty much took all of our time before i had to go to form, from which i can't remember anything.

i had english first, and we went through the mark scheme for the english literature paper, which i think i did pretty well on. "macbeth slayed"- my english teacher. after english, i went to french and we spent a good ten minutes debating what colour my english teachers nails are (they're dark dark dark red) anything else is wrong. french as usual was fun, j'adore le francais, c'est une langue facile (je ne sais pas si je dis ca bien).

umm then i had physics which was also fun. fridays are always fun because i don't have maths (except my english teacher always gives me tests on fridays) and latin which was not so fun because i had two tests, both of which i think i screwed up, but it's okay because the marks aren't recorded. (and it's too late for her to change my grade)

at lunch i had debate club and we talked about the advertising of beauty products and the pink tax and stuff and i sat with my year nine friends (also lane and helen) and we talked (about our english teacher 😭) and also like half term and stuff.
and then was the dreaded class assembly. i opened with my beautiful three sentences. "Hi everyone. Welcome to our assembly. Today we're going to be talking about culture at <insert school's name here>." very hemingway. from there, it just went downhill. They got through the next bits wayy too quickly and moved onto some weird video they'd made which was terrible. the best part was watching one of the other form tutors at the back looking more and more horrified as it continued it just got funnier with each second.

i had history last which i love (again, already mentioned) and i just chilled with my friend diana and the one of the other girls helping to organise the petition. then was dofe training, we planned our route card and then i came home. my sister and i watched a bit of his dark materials for a bit hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah and then i sat down to do my route card and wound up doing my physics lol. i'm gonna go watch tv with my mum and crochet now, so.

OOH I FORGOT TO SAY. tomorrow is my brother's birthday so we're going to laser tag. right that's all.
bye (:
Original post by maryamaishah
today i am in an unbelievably good mood. sorry for not writing yesterday, thursdays are crazy busy for me. i mentioned that appeal thing for turkiye earlier- well, it got rejected so now we're doing a petition. i had dofe training after school, so i've started on my practice route card. OH AND MY WOOL ARRIVED SO I GET TO CROCHET LILY OF THE VALLEY FAIRY LIGHTS
(can you tell i'm excited)
i'm also eating this really excellent banana cake and i have style by taylor swift stuck in my head while doing my physics homework.

in our usual style, let me walk you through the day.
before form, my friends and i made the decision to start a petition, made the form, and sent it out. that pretty much took all of our time before i had to go to form, from which i can't remember anything.

i had english first, and we went through the mark scheme for the english literature paper, which i think i did pretty well on. "macbeth slayed"- my english teacher. after english, i went to french and we spent a good ten minutes debating what colour my english teachers nails are (they're dark dark dark red) anything else is wrong. french as usual was fun, j'adore le francais, c'est une langue facile (je ne sais pas si je dis ca bien).

umm then i had physics which was also fun. fridays are always fun because i don't have maths (except my english teacher always gives me tests on fridays) and latin which was not so fun because i had two tests, both of which i think i screwed up, but it's okay because the marks aren't recorded. (and it's too late for her to change my grade)

at lunch i had debate club and we talked about the advertising of beauty products and the pink tax and stuff and i sat with my year nine friends (also lane and helen) and we talked (about our english teacher 😭) and also like half term and stuff.
and then was the dreaded class assembly. i opened with my beautiful three sentences. "Hi everyone. Welcome to our assembly. Today we're going to be talking about culture at <insert school's name here>." very hemingway. from there, it just went downhill. They got through the next bits wayy too quickly and moved onto some weird video they'd made which was terrible. the best part was watching one of the other form tutors at the back looking more and more horrified as it continued it just got funnier with each second.

i had history last which i love (again, already mentioned) and i just chilled with my friend diana and the one of the other girls helping to organise the petition. then was dofe training, we planned our route card and then i came home. my sister and i watched a bit of his dark materials for a bit hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah and then i sat down to do my route card and wound up doing my physics lol. i'm gonna go watch tv with my mum and crochet now, so.

OOH I FORGOT TO SAY. tomorrow is my brother's birthday so we're going to laser tag. right that's all.
bye (:

This sounds great! Love this blog!!
Original post by maryamaishah
today i am in an unbelievably good mood. sorry for not writing yesterday, thursdays are crazy busy for me. i mentioned that appeal thing for turkiye earlier- well, it got rejected so now we're doing a petition. i had dofe training after school, so i've started on my practice route card. OH AND MY WOOL ARRIVED SO I GET TO CROCHET LILY OF THE VALLEY FAIRY LIGHTS
(can you tell i'm excited)
i'm also eating this really excellent banana cake and i have style by taylor swift stuck in my head while doing my physics homework.

in our usual style, let me walk you through the day.
before form, my friends and i made the decision to start a petition, made the form, and sent it out. that pretty much took all of our time before i had to go to form, from which i can't remember anything.

i had english first, and we went through the mark scheme for the english literature paper, which i think i did pretty well on. "macbeth slayed"- my english teacher. after english, i went to french and we spent a good ten minutes debating what colour my english teachers nails are (they're dark dark dark red) anything else is wrong. french as usual was fun, j'adore le francais, c'est une langue facile (je ne sais pas si je dis ca bien).

umm then i had physics which was also fun. fridays are always fun because i don't have maths (except my english teacher always gives me tests on fridays) and latin which was not so fun because i had two tests, both of which i think i screwed up, but it's okay because the marks aren't recorded. (and it's too late for her to change my grade)

at lunch i had debate club and we talked about the advertising of beauty products and the pink tax and stuff and i sat with my year nine friends (also lane and helen) and we talked (about our english teacher 😭) and also like half term and stuff.
and then was the dreaded class assembly. i opened with my beautiful three sentences. "Hi everyone. Welcome to our assembly. Today we're going to be talking about culture at <insert school's name here>." very hemingway. from there, it just went downhill. They got through the next bits wayy too quickly and moved onto some weird video they'd made which was terrible. the best part was watching one of the other form tutors at the back looking more and more horrified as it continued it just got funnier with each second.

i had history last which i love (again, already mentioned) and i just chilled with my friend diana and the one of the other girls helping to organise the petition. then was dofe training, we planned our route card and then i came home. my sister and i watched a bit of his dark materials for a bit hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah and then i sat down to do my route card and wound up doing my physics lol. i'm gonna go watch tv with my mum and crochet now, so.

OOH I FORGOT TO SAY. tomorrow is my brother's birthday so we're going to laser tag. right that's all.
bye (:

Your blog just made my day! And I wish a very happy birthday to your brother:banana:
Original post by NazifaNawer
Your blog just made my day! And I wish a very happy birthday to your brother:banana:

thank you <3
This sounds great! Love this blog!!

thank you (:
happy saturday guys!
once again i'm in a great mood. i've been back from my brother's birthday party for a while now and i'm currently watching apprentice while doing my homework (no spoilers i'm begging you!! i'm really behind and we're currently watching the lunchbox episode). and i'm getting lots of badges because of this blog what a girlboss. electronic/social media(?) validation.
I haven't done much today, so what i'll do is run you through what's happened so far, maybe write more later, and dump in some random thoughts while i'm at it.

like i said before, today was my brother's birthday party. it was a laser tag party joint with two other kids who have similar birthdays to him. there were a LOT of kids there. all these screaming and yelling snotty primary school kids rolling around on the floor. absolutely gross. i feel disgusting just thinking about it. i wound up going in there with my sister and all those kids and it was wild. half the kids didn't understand how the game worked and kept shooting their own team, and the other half were ridiculously aggressive (hitting me with their guns??? for no reason???). after the party, i came home and showered, and started work. i've also been reading through my school's policies to see what i can do for this charity thing without getting into trouble (i hate this so much the legal language is horrible). after i do this latin, i'm going to do my geography essay.

it sounds kind of silly, but i found this super pretty necklace my aunt bought me when i was born and i've just fallen in love with it. ok there it is i just needed to say that. and i've started on my crochet fairy lights... maybe i'll upload a photo when they're done. alright. i've gotta go finish this latin and start on the geography.

probably speak to you soon (:
today was EXCELLENT.
i ditched form to speak to the girls i'm organising the petition with- we've hit over 90 pupils and we even had some teachers get involved! i had physics first, and it was a cover lesson, so i sat with my friends and we talked while we worked and it was just nice. afterwards i had latin, which was kinda difficult, but i had a decent time and i understood everything. got my test back, was pretty good.

the one rubbish bit was when i had pe after break and there was like just dance and make up your own dance and stuff and i nearly had a panic attack but it finally ended. fourth period was geography which i was dreading because we were getting our tests back, but i actually wound up doing really well and i'm not gonna lie, i'm proud of myself. (and grateful. alhamdulillah). at lunch i had latin scrabble. my friend and i came in 2nd place (out of three lol) second lunch i had house engineering, i felt a bit useless because i don't really know what i'm doing, but we drilled some stuff and glued some other stuff.

after lunch was maths, and you will not be surprised when i tell you that it sucked and i hated it. last thing i had history, and we did a 16 marker, and i think it might have gone ok. i came home and did my arabic class, and umm yeah.

feeling kinda nervous for tomorrow. i get three english pieces back and i have to go outside with the french speaking assistant. but no matter. i'm in too good a mood to be scared about it. i've gotta go write my hip essay and rocket science report (there's one girl on my team who hasn't done ANY work and she's still coming on the launch and taking credit for what we've done i'm so mad), so i'll talk more soon.

also, i started watching the queen's gambit. and i forgot to say, i really like playing cube escape. i'm on arles right now, any hints?

morbid longings,
maryam (:
i behave about grades i don't like the way girls in american teen films behave about break-ups; i lie in bed and cry, i eat junk food even though i know it'll ruin my skin, and then cry more because my skin is ruined. i contemplate not leaving the house ever again, and then cry thinking about how i'm probably not going to get to go to oxford and am probably going to be unemployed and fail life. i mean,

i think that last bit probably moves past the american teen film bit, but the main message: my whole world collapses. i feel like i'm losing who i am.

i'm not gonna disclose what i got because it's embarrassing and i don't want to admit it to louise (HI LOUISE) but my english language went terrible. the literature kinda slayed, but i feel like crying (cried on the bus home- not my fault, i was listening to tolerate it and my tears ricochet) and just holing up in my room with chocolate and gilmore girls on my laptop.

but no. i have a lot of work to do. i cannot afford to sit around and cry. i cannot afford to even sit and write this, but it's either this or have a full breakdown and earn a lecture from my parents about how i am worthy of unconditional love and grades aren't everything and i have epilepsy so a) i might find things difficult and b) i need to take it easy.

i don't understand why i'm this attached to my grades and schoolwork. i know that there's 'academic validation <3' and stuff but my happiness is almost entirely linked to how i do at school. you saw what happened yesterday- i did well in geography and i was in a great mood. today, despite my triumph in english lit, the terrible language score has taken over and i just want to drop out.

i don't really want to do my normal walk through my day because i'll just get more upset.

oh, and you know what's even better? that report? was due yesterday. half of it wasn't done. i can't anymore, i just can't.

alright, rant over.
Original post by maryamaishah
i behave about grades i don't like the way girls in american teen films behave about break-ups; i lie in bed and cry, i eat junk food even though i know it'll ruin my skin, and then cry more because my skin is ruined. i contemplate not leaving the house ever again, and then cry thinking about how i'm probably not going to get to go to oxford and am probably going to be unemployed and fail life. i mean,

i think that last bit probably moves past the american teen film bit, but the main message: my whole world collapses. i feel like i'm losing who i am.

i'm not gonna disclose what i got because it's embarrassing and i don't want to admit it to louise (HI LOUISE) but my english language went terrible. the literature kinda slayed, but i feel like crying (cried on the bus home- not my fault, i was listening to tolerate it and my tears ricochet) and just holing up in my room with chocolate and gilmore girls on my laptop.

but no. i have a lot of work to do. i cannot afford to sit around and cry. i cannot afford to even sit and write this, but it's either this or have a full breakdown and earn a lecture from my parents about how i am worthy of unconditional love and grades aren't everything and i have epilepsy so a) i might find things difficult and b) i need to take it easy.

i don't understand why i'm this attached to my grades and schoolwork. i know that there's 'academic validation <3' and stuff but my happiness is almost entirely linked to how i do at school. you saw what happened yesterday- i did well in geography and i was in a great mood. today, despite my triumph in english lit, the terrible language score has taken over and i just want to drop out.

i don't really want to do my normal walk through my day because i'll just get more upset.

oh, and you know what's even better? that report? was due yesterday. half of it wasn't done. i can't anymore, i just can't.

alright, rant over.

louise if you saw this you absolutely didn't
it's like, some people have identity crises over important things, but i just collapse when i dont get the top grade??? i can't move on???
i'm too lazy to write a full thing right now... feeling overwhelmed and stuff but too tired to do something about it. just need to put my head down and work.
did anyone here do dofe someone tell me it gets better i feel sad just looking at the kit list (also my group is gonna have a fight on the expedition i know it)
Original post by maryamaishah
did anyone here do dofe someone tell me it gets better i feel sad just looking at the kit list (also my group is gonna have a fight on the expedition i know it)

It's painful and frustrating but also really fun! I have good memories, as well as good stories :biggrin:
(edited 1 year ago)

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