so! today i had a pretty decent day. my dad and i have been arguing a bit recently but today that stopped and on the way to school he helped me with some points for my essay. i literally have no memory of form time which is nice. i had geography first, AND MY TEACHER CHANGED THE SEATING PLAN. I still have friends on my table, but i really miss my old one. I think i have a pretty good idea as to why the seating plan got changed (the girl is my friend, and that's all i'm going to say because my other friend- let's call her louise [hi louise!!]- has discovered this and i want to prevent drama) but i miss my old table mostly. biology was a lot of fun today. my teacher was teaching over a teams call because his daughter was sick, so louise and i listened to music and joined the call on my laptop together.
after break, it went downhill a little bit. i love physics, and my teacher is great, but i'm just not very good at it anymore. i had fun anyway. maths was, as usual, rubbish, although i got things mostly right today (: (she just set an assignment make it ): ). i spent the whole of lunch at rocket science club working on the can where all the computery bits are going to go. the worst part of the day came straight after- extended form time!!
normally i miss this because it's either assembly or because i have a hip (see earlier posts) meeting then, but today i could not avoid it. my form tutor announced on monday that we have to put together an assembly for friday. monday, as in, the day before yesterday and friday as in, the day after tomorrow. the other classes have already planned theirs out and theirs is in april. i agreed to announce the assembly (like, hi today we're talking about culture within our school) and then read my book because god it was horrible in there.
I HAD ENGLISH AFTER WHICH I LOVE SO MUCH. Louise and my friend who I will call Lane weren't there because they had touring, but my friend who i shall call helen was. we had a bit of a laugh because the board in the classroom had a list of songs on it including 'dandillions' and ABC by 'micheal jackson'. and then my teacher (she's super nice and we really like her!! convinced she's a swiftie bc she has the vibe and one time she said evermore) said something along the lines of 'i can't have parents walk in and see the real slim shady on the whiteboard' and rubbed it off. no parents came in. anyway, our english teacher can be really funny sometimes. but no one besides the four of us on our table laughs, which makes me wonder if a) she doesn't realise she's funny or b) she's just got some incredibly niche humour we all get or c) we're just weird. i like to think it's a combination of b and c.
and so after that, i came home from school, prayed my asr, finished my lunch (lunch was too busy to eat properly), attempted to revise for my latin test on friday, and now here we are. i am almost certain to fail this test, i'm fairly sure ALL of my grades are going to slip, and i have maths tuition later and i don't want to gooooo. i need it desperately but i just can't be bothered.
in non school related news, i've made plans to go pottery painting with my friend soon and i'm super excited. on a more emo note, i have been feeling really stressed out about dofe. (duke of edinburgh bronze award). there's so much to do, and buy, and the food aspect horrifies me. have you seen those wayfayrer meals? disgusting. and i'm a picky eater which makes it worse. my mum helped me find something edible looking last night but i'm still anxious about it. i should probably go do some latin work. or my physics homework. ok. going to do some latin and then if i have something else to say i shall speak to you later.
yours alluringly (howls moving castle <3)