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Glasgow law 2023

Has anyone heard back from LLB Scots law ? If you have what LNAT result did you get ? I got 27 but not sure it’s enough. Iv applied to Glasgow, Strathclyde, Cali and Stirling but not heard a single thing.

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Applied to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Strathclyde, and Aberdeen. Got an unconditional from Aberdeen but haven't heard back from the other three (neither have any of my friends who want to do scots law). Usually Glasgow doesn't send out law offers until late March so I think we still have time to wait. I also got a 27 in the LNAT (twinning) - averages have been 23 for successful applicants in previous years, so if your grades are good as well then you shouldn't have to worry. Strathclyde sends out offers to contextual applicants first (MD20/40) so if you aren't in a deprived postcode, it isn't the end if the world if people start getting offers before you. Glasgow's my first choice, so I hope we both hear back soon and it's good news. Good luck!!!
Original post by cawmackenzie
Applied to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Strathclyde, and Aberdeen. Got an unconditional from Aberdeen but haven't heard back from the other three (neither have any of my friends who want to do scots law). Usually Glasgow doesn't send out law offers until late March so I think we still have time to wait. I also got a 27 in the LNAT (twinning) - averages have been 23 for successful applicants in previous years, so if your grades are good as well then you shouldn't have to worry. Strathclyde sends out offers to contextual applicants first (MD20/40) so if you aren't in a deprived postcode, it isn't the end if the world if people start getting offers before you. Glasgow's my first choice, so I hope we both hear back soon and it's good news. Good luck!!!

I just got rejected from Strathclyde today 😢 really hoping for Glasgow but I dunno how much weight they put on the LNAT. I’m doing a course at college for mature students and my predicted are AAA . Good luck with your choices
Original post by Future-ellewoods
I just got rejected from Strathclyde today 😢 really hoping for Glasgow but I dunno how much weight they put on the LNAT. I’m doing a course at college for mature students and my predicted are AAA . Good luck with your choices

What access course are you doing?
Original post by kirstynnnx
What access course are you doing?

SWAP access to humanities
Original post by Future-ellewoods
SWAP access to humanities

I'm on the SWAP access to Law, Business and Finance and Strathclyde seem to be rejecting everyone, apparently they're not known for taking swap students onto Law so I don't know why its even still a progression route, Glasgow is my first choice though so i'm impatiently waiting to hear back from them. What backups did you apply for?
Original post by kirstynnnx
I'm on the SWAP access to Law, Business and Finance and Strathclyde seem to be rejecting everyone, apparently they're not known for taking swap students onto Law so I don't know why its even still a progression route, Glasgow is my first choice though so i'm impatiently waiting to hear back from them. What backups did you apply for?

I applied to law at Strathclyde, Cali , Stirling and Glasgow and psychology at UWS been given a conditional but I really want to do law . The course leader told me to choose confidently and pick the high competition ones if I wanted but now I’m worried it’s a mistake especially since I’m not doing access to law . What choices did you choose ?
Original post by Future-ellewoods
I applied to law at Strathclyde, Cali , Stirling and Glasgow and psychology at UWS been given a conditional but I really want to do law . The course leader told me to choose confidently and pick the high competition ones if I wanted but now I’m worried it’s a mistake especially since I’m not doing access to law . What choices did you choose ?

I applied to Glasgow and Strathclyde for Scots Law and then Politics and International Relations/Public Policy at Glasgow. I think you should be okay seeing as you're doing access to humanities and its an accepted progression route, we just have the bonus of studying Scots Law and Contract Law this year but everything else is practically the same as humanities. We're the only college that does access to Law apparently...
Original post by kirstynnnx
I applied to Glasgow and Strathclyde for Scots Law and then Politics and International Relations/Public Policy at Glasgow. I think you should be okay seeing as you're doing access to humanities and its an accepted progression route, we just have the bonus of studying Scots Law and Contract Law this year but everything else is practically the same as humanities. We're the only college that does access to Law apparently...

Yea I think the units are really similar just a couple different. Have you heard anything from any of the unis yet? Or anyone in your class for law ? . I’m the only one in my class applying for law
Original post by Future-ellewoods
Yea I think the units are really similar just a couple different. Have you heard anything from any of the unis yet? Or anyone in your class for law ? . I’m the only one in my class applying for law

Everyone so far has had rejections from Strathclyde but nothing else, I haven't even heard from my backups yet so it's just the waiting game for now. What college are you at?
Original post by kirstynnnx
Everyone so far has had rejections from Strathclyde but nothing else, I haven't even heard from my backups yet so it's just the waiting game for now. What college are you at?

West college Scotland Greenock campus you ?
Original post by Future-ellewoods
Has anyone heard back from LLB Scots law ? If you have what LNAT result did you get ? I got h27 but not sure it’s enough. Iv applied to Glasgow, Strathclyde, Cali and Stirling but not heard a single thing

Hi :smile: I got 28 on the LNAT, I got unconditionals from Stirling Aberdeen and Strath, and got a conditional to Glasgow for 1 B at advanced higher this year so you should be alllll good! Just give it time they are notoriously bad at getting back. I applied in December so I may have just got my offer earlier due to that. Also what are your grades, if you did not get 5 As in 5th year Glasgow often simply do not even look at those applications as they have so many come through who have the grade requirements anyways- that’s what I was told at their open day xx
Original post by Ameliemsmith
Hi :smile: I got 28 on the LNAT, I got unconditionals from Stirling Aberdeen and Strath, and got a conditional to Glasgow for 1 B at advanced higher this year so you should be alllll good! Just give it time they are notoriously bad at getting back. I applied in December so I may have just got my offer earlier due to that. Also what are your grades, if you did not get 5 As in 5th year Glasgow often simply do not even look at those applications as they have so many come through who have the grade requirements anyways- that’s what I was told at their open day xx

Hey Congrats on the offers...I'm still waiting to hear from Strath, Edin and Glasgow - got Dundee and Aberdeen so far. So frustrating this waiting game. When did you hear from Strath/Glasgow? I applied early December too x
Original post by Future-ellewoods
West college Scotland Greenock campus you ?

WCS Paisley, My friend just this minute received her conditional for Glasgow...
Original post by kirstynnnx
WCS Paisley, My friend just this minute received her conditional for Glasgow...

Hopefully we hear back soon then 🤞 good luck
Original post by Future-ellewoods
Hopefully we hear back soon then 🤞 good luck

Original post by kirstynnnx
WCS Paisley, My friend just this minute received her conditional for Glasgow...

I just got an offer for Glasgow , have you heard back yet ?
Original post by Future-ellewoods
I just got an offer for Glasgow , have you heard back yet ?

I still haven't heard anything i'm becoming very impatient
Original post by kirstynnnx
I still haven't heard anything i'm becoming very impatient

I’m sure youl hear back soon , I applied on the 5th of January so many there doing it in order . I got rejected from Cali and Strathclyde so I was panicking
Original post by kirstynnnx
I still haven't heard anything i'm becoming very impatient

Me either. Getting very fed up now. I still haven't heard from Edinburgh either.
I was given a conditional offer with no conditions a month ago. It just said subject to obtaining satisfactory LNAT score and I was asked to upload my score on self service by end of July. Going to their Summer school is also recommended, I am contextual and have already met the academic marks. I uploaded my score straight away (which was only 16) and have not heard anything since.

I forgot to add my ucas number with pearson vue when I sat the test, but did tell them I was applying to UoG and gave permission for them to share my score with them - so not sure if the university had it when offer was made.

I am really worried I'm going to get a rejected soon :frown: Was anyone else asked to upload their score or is in this same position?

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