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2023 Edexcel English Lit A Level - Predictions

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone had any predictions for the edexcel a level English lit exams.
Here are the topics I do;
paper 1 - streetcar, twelfth night
paper 2 - Tess of the d'urbervilles + a thousand splendid suns
paper 3 - poems of the decade and the wife of bath
Original post by lily7747
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone had any predictions for the edexcel a level English lit exams.
Here are the topics I do;
paper 1 - streetcar, twelfth night
paper 2 - Tess of the d'urbervilles + a thousand splendid suns
paper 3 - poems of the decade and the wife of bath

for POD i have a list of all the poems they havent done
they did out of the bag and deliverer in 2016
2017 genetics and effects
2018 minor role and 9yr old self
2019eat me and giuseppe
2021 look we hav ctd and the fursthest distances
2022 grayson perry and easy passage

so they havent done on her blindness, please hold, chainsaw v pampas, material, history, the lammas hireling, the gun and ftjoadm

i have all the past questions
:2017 - Justice +marriage
2018 - maistrie + the wife as a storyteller
2019 - challenges to authority + treatment of wifes husbands
2020 - love + women
2021 - argument + gentillesse
2022 - satire + morality
i think maybe religion could come up/ religious authority?

hope this helps
Reply 2
that's amazing thank you so much!!!

Original post by beefreya
for POD i have a list of all the poems they havent done
they did out of the bag and deliverer in 2016
2017 genetics and effects
2018 minor role and 9yr old self
2019eat me and giuseppe
2021 look we hav ctd and the fursthest distances
2022 grayson perry and easy passage

so they havent done on her blindness, please hold, chainsaw v pampas, material, history, the lammas hireling, the gun and ftjoadm

i have all the past questions
:2017 - Justice +marriage
2018 - maistrie + the wife as a storyteller
2019 - challenges to authority + treatment of wifes husbands
2020 - love + women
2021 - argument + gentillesse
2022 - satire + morality
i think maybe religion could come up/ religious authority?

hope this helps
are there any predictions for othello, streetcar or handmaid's tale and frankenstein?
Reply 4
I would say for Othello:

Theme of trust

Theme of friendship

Theme of marriage
does anyone have predictions for doctor faustus?
any streetcar predictions? or Suns and Tess?
omg I do the same prose texts legit no one else does
Original post by evilhag81240
any streetcar predictions? or Suns and Tess?
Earnest predictions?
Original post by flower747
omg I do the same prose texts legit no one else does

literally!! i cant seem to find anyone who does tess and suns😅
Good luck everyone doing this paper tomorrow!!
Good luck *
Original post by psychbae
does anyone have predictions for doctor faustus?

What did u get? xx

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