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OCR GCSE Religious Studies Paper 1 [15 May 2023] Exam Chat


How did you find your OCR GCSE Religious Studies Paper 1 exam?

OCR GCSE Religious Studies Paper 1 | 15th May 2023 [Exam Chat]

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General Information

Date/Time: 15th May 2023 AM
Length: 1h 45m

Link to Study Group:
GCSE Religious Studies Study Group 2022-2023
Link to Master Thread:
GCSE Exam Discussions 2023

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Reply 1
OMG the first paper is tmrw :s-smilie::confused:
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 2
Ahhhh I knoww hopefully we all do well. What religions coming up on urs mine is Christianity and Hinduism
how did people find it?
Reply 4
Found it alright actually, Hinduism paper was better than I expected but some questions were quite hard
Reply 5
Original post by Rz.-.
Ahhhh I knoww hopefully we all do well. What religions coming up on urs mine is Christianity and Hinduism

ahh mine was on chrisitianity and islam
Reply 6
Original post by 27aj5
ahh mine was on chrisitianity and islam

yh same
Reply 7
Original post by 27aj5
ahh mine was on chrisitianity and islam

Luckyyy wanted mine to be on Islam aswell but oh well it was an alright paper
Reply 8
yh same

how'd u find it
the OCR christianity paper was so easy but the OCR Islam was extremely complicated. Like there was no questions about Muhammad, the main prophet of Islam and the Qur'an. The 15 markers were very vague and other teachers in my school looked at the Islam paper afterwards and said it was awfully hard. You could revise the whole textbook yet the questions barely had anything to do with the content in the textbook. For example, one 15 marker statement was, 'There is no point in Muslims considering what is written in their book of life.' I mean, the OCR textbook barely had anything to do with the 'book of life', how do they expect us to write a 15 marker on it? The other 15 marker was 'Communicating with Allah is more important than the rituals of a raka't. Complicated. And then AQA send out a much easier test with a 15 marker on the Tawhid. Like where was the festivals, 5 pillars of Islam and other important stuff in Islam. Also there was a question (3 marks) saying, 'Outline the idea of Nisab.' No one in our year knew what Nisab was, apparently it's mentioned in some tiny part of the textbook once. Therefore the Islam questions were crazy and totally unfair from OCR, especially compared to AQA.
Reply 10
Original post by 27aj5
ahh mine was on chrisitianity and islam

how was it! was ur first q on christianity ‘name 3 important sacraments in christianity’ by any chance 😭
Reply 11
Original post by Rz.-.
Ahhhh I knoww hopefully we all do well. What religions coming up on urs mine is Christianity and Hinduism

how was it! was ur first q on christianity ‘name 3 important sacraments in christianity’ by any chance 😭
Original post by Alliselk
the OCR christianity paper was so easy but the OCR Islam was extremely complicated. Like there was no questions about Muhammad, the main prophet of Islam and the Qur'an. The 15 markers were very vague and other teachers in my school looked at the Islam paper afterwards and said it was awfully hard. You could revise the whole textbook yet the questions barely had anything to do with the content in the textbook. For example, one 15 marker statement was, 'There is no point in Muslims considering what is written in their book of life.' I mean, the OCR textbook barely had anything to do with the 'book of life', how do they expect us to write a 15 marker on it? The other 15 marker was 'Communicating with Allah is more important than the rituals of a raka't. Complicated. And then AQA send out a much easier test with a 15 marker on the Tawhid. Like where was the festivals, 5 pillars of Islam and other important stuff in Islam. Also there was a question (3 marks) saying, 'Outline the idea of Nisab.' No one in our year knew what Nisab was, apparently it's mentioned in some tiny part of the textbook once. Therefore the Islam questions were crazy and totally unfair from OCR, especially compared to AQA.

I also found the same thing, I go to a grammar school and we did Christianity and Islam and we all found that Christianity was quite a nice paper whereas Islam was so hard with, as you said, questions based on tiny part of the textbook and with strangely worded questions.
Reply 13
Original post by 27aj5
how'd u find it

Christianity was good but islam was harder, but i think and hope my 15 markers will secure me a good grade on islam lol cos im muslim i knew lots of quotes
lucky but did u know what nisab is. cuz today my teacher said that some muslims don't even know lol
Christianity was good but islam was harder, but i think and hope my 15 markers will secure me a good grade on islam lol cos im muslim i knew lots of quotes
Reply 15
Christianity was good but islam was harder, but i think and hope my 15 markers will secure me a good grade on islam lol cos im muslim i knew lots of quotes

yeah i also felt the islam one was harder. they always make the islam paper harder, like whyyy. same im muslim too
Reply 16
Original post by Alliselk
lucky but did u know what nisab is. cuz today my teacher said that some muslims don't even know lol

for nisab i wrote that it is the minimum amount of money that a person has to have, so that they can pay zakah.
Reply 17
Original post by Alliselk
the OCR christianity paper was so easy but the OCR Islam was extremely complicated. Like there was no questions about Muhammad, the main prophet of Islam and the Qur'an. The 15 markers were very vague and other teachers in my school looked at the Islam paper afterwards and said it was awfully hard. You could revise the whole textbook yet the questions barely had anything to do with the content in the textbook. For example, one 15 marker statement was, 'There is no point in Muslims considering what is written in their book of life.' I mean, the OCR textbook barely had anything to do with the 'book of life', how do they expect us to write a 15 marker on it? The other 15 marker was 'Communicating with Allah is more important than the rituals of a raka't. Complicated. And then AQA send out a much easier test with a 15 marker on the Tawhid. Like where was the festivals, 5 pillars of Islam and other important stuff in Islam. Also there was a question (3 marks) saying, 'Outline the idea of Nisab.' No one in our year knew what Nisab was, apparently it's mentioned in some tiny part of the textbook once. Therefore the Islam questions were crazy and totally unfair from OCR, especially compared to AQA.

omgg, i know, the 15 markers were hard to like write about. im just hoping i did well on it.
also thing is im not good at rs like at all and was at like a grade 4 bc i had moved schools and my old school didnt do it whereas my new school did and it's compulsary so i had to do it. also i missed the christianity course and im not christian so it was harder for me to learn. but i did it. i revised a lot for rs on christianity and islam and then like i saw the questions. kinda disappointed on some of the questions we got.
also OCR is like a much harder exam board than any others, i dont know why my school picked OCR as a board, and i've heard that the other boards were really easy and what not.
Reply 18
Original post by Alliselk
lucky but did u know what nisab is. cuz today my teacher said that some muslims don't even know lol

I had no idea 💀 only like 1/3 of muslims in my year knew what is was
Reply 19
Original post by Mcgidid
I also found the same thing, I go to a grammar school and we did Christianity and Islam and we all found that Christianity was quite a nice paper whereas Islam was so hard with, as you said, questions based on tiny part of the textbook and with strangely worded questions.

i think we may go the the same skl 💀 is urs in hertforshire?